In 3 weeks we’ll be flying on Southwest to Vegas. My uncle and I are interested in the route these flights take. I was wondering if anyone may have interesting/helpful information or notes from prior experience on this route, as I’d like to know as much as possible for aviation geek purposes. I’ll be using Foreflight on my iPad during the flight to track ourselves. I know these flights usually begin the descent around Daggett and execute the Loop7 departure…
Thanks for any information!
Look at the Lax page and find the SWA departures to LAS. Without even looking, I’m betting they will all be pretty much identical.
You’re half way there.
The route you’ll be taking is KLAX LOOP7.DAG.KEPEC3 KLAS. So have a look here for the KEPEC3 arrival, and that is what you’ll be getting.
Now, the tricky part will be the runway used. Yes, the KEPEC3 will put you directly on the ILS 25L approach, but you’ll definitely get turned inbound sooner on the visual approach. But that isn’t the problem.
During this time of year, due to monsoon season and density altitude, KLAS may be in one of the other runway configurations. With the crossing and parallel runways, they have 4 configurations they can use:
Arrivals on 25L, 19L, and 19R. Depart 25R.
Arrivals on 1L and 1R. Depart 7L.
Arrivals on 25L, 1L, and 1R. Depart 1L and 1R.
Arrivals on 19L, 19R, and 7R. Depart 7L.
Calm wind runway configuration is #1. But lately, due to monsoons and density altitude, they have been using #4. So it would definitely help to keep that iPad around to not only track the flight, but you could also throw the app on it and actually listen to ATC there to see what configuration they are in. Unless there is a drastic change to the weather or airport (read: wind, precipitation, emergency), they won’t change the runway configuration, as it involves some coordination with the TRACON.
The flight back will be nearly the same: BOACH5.HEC.RIIVR2. Head down by Primm/State Line, down to Hector, slight turn south to the east side of San Bernardino, and line up for a 65nm final on one of the ILS approaches at KLAX. Default for that one is ILS 25L, but if flying SWA, you’ll get the north side (24L or 24R; 24L most likely, since 24R/6L is closed for construction).
While here, if you get the chance, and you are renting a car, stop by the parking area on Sunset Road, parallel to 25L and 25R. You can sit there and planespot all day/night long. Plus they pipe ATC through your car radio there (on 101.1FM). That should get you the best experience you’ll have.