King Air 200 vs B200

Can anyone tell me the difference in the two aircraft’s pressurization system differentials, i.e., what would the cabin altitudes be at 25000 in both planes. I would also like to know if there are certain year models where upgrades have been made that are fairly significant. I have heard that the 1985 and newer B200’s are the ones to have. I am soon to be in the market and would like to hear some opinions on this subject. Any thoughts on a pre '85 model being upgraded with the -52 engines (Blackhawk) or this upgrade on a 200 instead of a B200?

I currently fly an E90 with -34 engines and at 25000 the cabin is at 10500+, with the cabin alt. light on. We get about 235-240 TAS at this alt. also. I would like to have a lower cabin alt. at the higher twenties than I am getting now. I also would like to see 280+ knots TAS. Please advise.

I’m not sure about the cabin pressure but a 200/B200 with Blackhawk -52’s and Raisbeck Epic Platinum package can see up to 318 knts.

The Raisbeck stuff can get you into the 280s in a 200 and close to 300 in a B200, then well over combined with the Blackhawk upgrades. The Blackhawk upgrade are great alternative to overhaul and the Raisbeck stuff really seems to work well.

Not sure the details of the cabin pressurization either, other than increased pressurization being part of the upgrade from the 200 to the B200.

Super King Air 200

Max PSID 6.0 (+/- 1)

3,900 ft. cabin @ FL200
9,900 ft. cabin @ FL310
11,700 ft. cabin @ FL350

Super King Air B200

Max PSID 6.5 (+/- 1)

2,800 ft. cabin @ FL200
8,600 ft. cabin @ FL310
10,400 ft. cabin @ FL350

The most notable difference between the -41 and the -42 is rise of the ITT limit from 750 degrees C to 800 C, allowing for more available power/torque at higher altitudes. When you start looking at -52 and -61 conversions, the airplane becomes a whole different animal in the power department. Beech went with the B200 upgrade in the early eighties. But, because of the diversity of customers and requirements, the S/N lineage of includes/exludes of the B200 variant jumps around a lot in those years. So if you go for an early B200 do your homework to ensure that it is a B200 applicable S/N.

We use to see 260 kts. true in a straight 200 in the mid-20s. In the B200 we were closer to 280 kts. As far as pressurization goes, the 6.1 differential was all fine and good, but with a 25+ year old airplane, you would be lucky to get even close to 6.0 on the diff. At FL260 we use to see cabin altitudes pushing 11,000’. The B200 was only a couple of years old and we had no trouble holding up to max diff.

If I was buying a King Air 200, I would want a B200, with wing lockers, two door cables, and non-high float gear. I see a lot of KLN 90Bs in them as well. Keep looking and find one with a more up to date GPS or get a pretty good deduction on the asking price.

Once again, Azav8r saves me a lot of typing. Thanks! :wink:

As for the aircraft, a B200 is the way to go. Wing lockers are nice if you carry long thin items FREQUENTLY, but at almost 200 lbs, they eat into useful load quite a bit. Keep in mind that most golf bags, the oversize ones so popular today, WILL NOT fit. Skip the high float gear and get the CATPASS tire mod. The tires are larger, giving a bit more prop clearance, and noticably softer on landings due to taller sidewalls. This mod allows you to keep your standard gear doors and saves a couple knots of cruise speed. Tire wear doesn’t seem to suffer any. The 6.6 psi differential is nice if you’re planning to go high, but it is after all, a Kingair. Unless you’re flying more than 600 nm or trying to top weather, do you really need to go to FL310 or higher? All in all though, these are rock solid aircraft, and you certainly could do worse.

Just doin’ my part… :wink:

The total weight of both wing lockers is 109 lbs (installed). The new Raisbeck “Crown Wing Lockers” aslo allow more room for golf bags. About 3 extra inches in height. Doesn’t sound like much but it makes a big difference.

Well, with everything there are pros and cons. As for the wing lockers they are great for throwing all of your prop straps and engine plugs into and having easy access. They are also great for throwing crew baggage and cleaning items into them as well. Furthermore, you now have a place to stuff baggage if you decide to install and use the aft jumpseats. In my book they are absolutely necessary, but not worth the trouble and expense as a mod. So get them up front.

Double door cables are also a must. I have seen and heard of the single cable breaking and thus you’re pretty much dead in the water. Also, if you have ever done the cable pivot while slipping and trying not to fall, then you will appreciate having a second cable to grab onto. If you haven’t, you’re lucky…this usually ends up with you on your butt straddling something.