I’m still seeing a lot of these errors. We are properly attaching the API key, it works in our tests so obviously we’re passing it. I can’t figure out the various errors I keep getting back from your AeroAPI service. Hopefully you’re aware of them and may need to revise what we’re getting back if they aren’t correct.

{“title”: “Invalid API key”, “reason”: “INVALID_API_KEY”, “detail”: “Provided API key is not valid”, “status”: 401}

Hello Neal,

Thank you for contacting FlightAware. Could you please confirm the last 4 digits/characters of the API key you are entering?


Nathan Leung
Support Specialist

Toll Free: +1.713.877.9010 Eleven Greenway Plaza, Suite 2900 - Houston, Texas - 77046

Learn about FlightAware Global and Premium Accounts:


I did not get your original email. The api key we have works but we still get a lot of the reported errors so why does it work sometimes and other times not?

   staticvoid ConfigureHttpClient(HttpClient client)


        client.BaseAddress =new Uri(;

        client.Timeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(10);


        client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Accept.Add(new MediaTypeWithQualityHeaderValue("application/json"));




Any idea what is causing this error message we’re getting back at times like today?

{“title”:“Internal error”,“reason”:“INTERNAL_ERROR”,“detail”:“Internal error has occurred”,“status”:502}



Do you see any patterns in what is sent by you to the server whenever you receive the HTTP error?


Taylor Fischer -
Commercial Support

Toll Free: +1.800.713.8570
Support Line:+1.713.588.6514

Eleven Greenway Plaza, Suite 2900 - Houston, Texas - 77046

Learn about FlightAware Global and Premium Accounts:

No, I have no idea what is causing this or any pattern to reproduce. I’m sure most of our queries are resolving with you but we get this from time to time. Was hoping you all could improve logging on your end as needed as we get a few different errors returned from your system at times. Hoping you’re seeing them too.


Thanks for the response. The next time you do receive the status code errors, please forward the queries our way in order for us to further investigate.


Nathan Leung
Support Specialist

Learn about FlightAware Global and Premium Accounts:

Getting several of these today. What’s causing these?

{“title”:“Internal error”,“reason”:“INTERNAL_ERROR”,“detail”:“Internal error has occurred”,“status”:503}

Neal Culiner

President, NC Software, Inc.

Office: 804-323-1223

Cell: 804-687-9388

Fax: 804-528-1234


Can you please provide the queries you are you are sending to our servers, in order for us to further investigate if this is on our end?


Nathan Leung
Support Specialist

Learn about FlightAware Global and Premium Accounts:

Hopefully you’re logging the errors that I’m getting back. Maybe put some type of monitor on my account to track queries and errors?



I just wanted to follow up, did you still need assistance with the errors you were experiencing? If not, you can disregard this email.


Nathan Leung
Support Specialist

Toll Free: +1.713.877.9010 Eleven Greenway Plaza, Suite 2900 - Houston, Texas - 77046

Learn about FlightAware Global and Premium Accounts: