Bit more prep done this morning, all that’s left for today is to fit another plug to the coax (once I’ve measured it to the correct length), disconnect the old coax from the pigtail, connect the new coax, route it all in place and nail the aerial to the top. Then wind it up.
For (my own) reference.
Mast is 33ft
Hexbeam base was at 35 ft
SteppIR will be at 36 ft
Old ADS-B aerial was at 41 ft
New ADS-B aerial will be at 48 ft
The last time I raised my aerial by 7 ft it made a huge difference, I don’t expect anything like that again this time so it’ll be really interesting to see.
At the moment, my stats are already showing an improvement because my aerial is hanging upside down over the washing line, almost touching the floor but it’s now vertically polarised. For the last fortnight, it’s been horizontally polarised, about 5 ft off the floor. Polarisation makes a huge difference (but we knew that anyway).
Just a few more hours…