I have tried EVERYTHING, feeder not connecting

Totally noob here. I have tried reinstalling PiAware 7 times. I have watched YouTube, followed the directions, everything! Not Pi/Linux savvy. I am running a PiHole and disabled it and STILL cannot connect to the feeder. My site is sitting at 0. No clue what to do. I know NOTHING about Pi commands so any tips or help, please make it dummy proof.

Thank you so much!!

So you have PiHole & PiAware running on the same RaspberryPi?

If memory serves me correctly I remember reading about this in the past and there was some configuration edits that need to be done to lighttpd.

If you are a self admitted “noob”, may be best to pickup an addition Raspberry Pi and do the install on that so there are no conflicts. Otherwise if you feel comfortable taking on the task of editing config files, there were threads on the PiHole forums.

Hope this helps.

Try adsb.im as an image (A simple way to feed ADS-B data)
No shell required.
That RPi is then dedicated to ADS-B, can’t do pihole or something like that on the same pi.

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The adsb.im image is quite happy running on a pi4B with pi-hole.

adsb.im added to my pi-hole machine at week 45, step at week 47 was adding adsb exchange to sites fed via the image, but still less than 10 per cent load.

This is with pi-hole as package install, not another docker container - probably not something to suggest for someone just getting started with adsb.

EDIT - this is with adsb.im receiving adsb data from another raspberry pi. Also having a receiver dongle attached and rtlsdr processing happening on the same pi as pi-hole might indeed cause problems.