How-to change number of Circles in SkyView map and Gmap


The conventional method to change number and distances of circles is to edit file /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html/config.js, scroll down to following line, and change the number and distances (by default these are 100, 150, and 200 nm):

SiteCirclesDistances = new Array (100,150,200);.

Note: In case of dump1090-mutability, the file to be edited is /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/config.js.


The command line method described below is just as a novelty and for fun.

By default there are 3 circles at 100, 150 and 200 nm
To change the number and distance of circles, following two commands are required

First Command

If you want circles at 100,150,200,250, and 300 nm, the first command will be as below. If you want different distances, change the figures in commnd bellow according to what you want:


NOTE: There should be NO SPACE
between circles and =
between = and “100,150,200,250,300”

Second Command

NOTE: Simply copy-paste this command to avoid typing mistakes

(1) For dump1090-fa
It is a long command. Scroll right to see full command

sudo -S sed -i '/SiteCirclesDistances =.*/c\SiteCirclesDistances = new Array ('$circles');'  /usr/share/dump1090-fa/html/config.js  


(1) For dump1090-mutability
It is a long command. Scroll right to see full command

sudo -S sed -i '/SiteCirclesDistances =.*/c\SiteCirclesDistances = new Array ('$circles');'  /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/config.js  


.Have fun :slight_smile:

The above post confirms that it is possible to modify circles using command line/bash script.

I am therefore very hopeful that the circle settings can also be added to SkyView map or gmap using same technique as used for Gain Setting in thread How-to Read / Set Gain from SkyView and Gmap

I will give it a try this weekend.

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Is there any way to add the Cirlces value ie 25nm to the map as it is in the Skyview to the DumpMut version?

Your question is not clear and confusing.

  1. Both dump1090-mutability and dump1090-fa have identical Circles by default: 100 nm, 150nm, and 200nm.

  2. If you want circles at 25nm intervals, use following (both fa and mut versions)

SiteCirclesDistances = new Array (100,125,150,175,200);

  1. If you just want to add one more cicle at 25nm, use following (both fa and mut versions)

SiteCirclesDistances = new Array (25,100,150,200);

Sorry for the confusion, what i am after is a label which says 25nm , 50 nm etc as in how Skyview does .

It should be possible in dump1090-mutability also, but will require modifying code in files in following folder:


The key file to be modified is script.js, but may also requires modifications to some other files as well. I never tried it and cannot give you any further details.