Help With an Airplane

I am looking for a fast but still fuel efficent 6 seater. Anyone have any suggegstion as to what aircraft I should be looking at?

No offense, but could you be a bit less ambiguous?

Single or multi? How far do you want to travel? General area of operation? Out of KANE or other?

Single or multi, does not matter. I woul be traveling at the most about 300 miles. Will be flying in MN and WI mostly out of ANE, and BRD. Hope this helps

One more question, are you talking 6 adults or a combination of adults and kids?
Fast leaves out the fixed gear airplanes although the Cessna 206/207 and Cherokee 6 are bulletproof and for less than 300 miles you’re not talking about a huge difference in flight times.
Piper’s Saratoga and Lance haul a pretty good load. Cessna’s 210 is a good airplane but the back seats are a bit cramped for two full sized adults. Then there is always the Beech Bonanza.
The 206/207/210 are basically the same inside. The 207 is a bit longer.
As far as twins go, the Aerostar is fast and fuel efficient. If you don’t mind an older airplane the Aztec hauls one heck of a load. The Barons are good aircraft too.
If you are only going 300 miles i don’t think you will have a range/payload problem with very many aircraft.
I guess I can’t think of a 6 seat airplane I wouldn’t take as a gift. :smiley:

I agree. I’d take anything as a gift. Though I suppose I should give up on someone showing up on the doorstep with a brand-new ardier Global 5000 just for me. :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

I could settle for something used and smaller. Anyone have a Gulfstream III? :smiley: :smiley: :smiley:

Actually, I think I do! You want it for Flight Simulator 2004 or FSX?

Beech Baron 58. Basic aircraft is fast and commodious. The more money you want to throw at the basic offering the faster and more comfortably you’ll fly. A twin engined Bonanza.

Unfortunately if you’re tall like me (6’6") you’ll never fit in it comfortably, if at all.

As John (porterjet) stated the Centurion (Cessna 210) is an excellent choice if you’re considering a single engine aircraft. Again, there’s an aircraft to match your wallet, up to a pressurized offering in the T210 or even a Turboprop conversion offered by O&N Conversions and known as the Silver Eagle.

There are many others, have fun choosing.

My favorite add-on in FS2004 is a G-IV. It’s fun to fly; and nearly like the real thing. But it was free. And you can turn on “unlimited fuel”, not that I do. Maybe I could take this instead: … 1396125%27_&sort=order_by_photo_id_DESC&prev_id=&next_id=NEXTID

That’s the last “classic” A340 - the last A340-300 (A343) built. For a private Russian owner. That just might be my new favorite paint scheme. Anyway, sorry to get off topic.

Edit: The link won’t work. Copy and paste it.
Edit 2: Now it’s working. If not, copy and paste it.

When linking to a photo in or, the link you should use is located right above the picture. For the photo above, you’ll find this:

URL (link) to this photo: … 1396125/M/

I want one! Off all the aircraft the Airbus builds, I feel the A340 is best looking one.

I agree - especially on the newly discontinued A343. The A345 and A346 grow progressively longer. The A346 has the same long and lanky appearance of the CRJ-1000. Maybe they’ll come out with a CRJ that big eventually. Reusing the prototype, of course.

Thanks for the linking information. I was apparently being oblivious and didn’t see it. I’ll use that from now on.

Incidentally, this is post number fifty for me. No more “New FlightAware Member”! I suppose that I’ve officially joined the club.

Move to bust dcgjedde back down to 49 posts permanently. We like our “club” the way it is. We fear outsiders.

I was just saying “congrats” to him in my own way since he asked a few days ago about dropping the “new” from his title. Thread hijack not intended.

I now hang my head in shame…


Please see my post in the notable activity forum.


Coincidence, was looking at that pic earlier today… Roman Abramovich, rich bastard, upgrading from his 767…

Because of the wing spar in the Barons passing under the seat I always had headroom problems. I did my primary flight training in a PT-17 so headroom wasn’t a problem. :smiley:

Thanks for sharing it.

They look a lot like a mix between a 777 and 747.

I had heard that rumor but wasn’t sure if it was true. This plane might be a future visitor to the U.S., since his 767 comes occasionally.

What does “Bourkhan” mean? It’s painted on the side of the aircraft, toward the nose.