Hi Jim,
Any help is welcome, but of course never obligated;-)
Jim, That is no problem. I can understand that.
In essence, just follow the steps from the first post of this topic. One step may be diffecult: adding the thousands of location lines (the blue ones below here) in to the script.js.
position: google.maps.ControlPosition.TOP_LEFT,
style: google.maps.MapTypeControlStyle.DROPDOWN_MENU
var heatmapData =
new google.maps.LatLng(51.21172, 3.69534),
new google.maps.LatLng(51.67090, 4.84928),
new google.maps.LatLng(49.35645, 0.22695),
new google.maps.LatLng(52.26494, 4.51668),
new google.maps.LatLng(53.20353, 6.17335),
new google.maps.LatLng(52.09680, 4.34227),
new google.maps.LatLng(52.25060, 3.85604),
new google.maps.LatLng(52.52435, 4.87610),
new google.maps.LatLng(52.44127, 5.24475),
GoogleMap = new google.maps.Map(document.getElementById(“map_canvas”), mapOptions);
Here is one way to do that is by editting the** heatmap.csv** file:
step0: Add the red lines as described in the first post of this topic.
pi@piaware ~/git $ cat /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/script.js
step2: select and copy the first part (up to and including "var heatmapData = ") of the script.js in to the copy-buffer.
pi@piaware ~/git $ nano /tmp/heatmap.csv
step4: past the first part of the script.js from the copy-buffer at the start of /tmp/heatmap.csv file. Save and exit the file.
step5: select and copy the last part (everything after "var heatmapData = ") of the script.js in to the copy-buffer.
step6: past the last part of the script.js from the copy-buffer at the end of /tmp/heatmap.csv file. Save and exit the file.
pi@piaware ~/git $ sudo mv /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/script.js /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/script.js.org
pi@piaware ~/git $ sudo cp /tmp/heatmap.csv /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/script.js
note: It works more easy when you open two terminals. One terminal where you can copy the parts from the script.js and one terminal where you can past in to heatmap.csv.
step9: refresh your browser two times, to display the heatmap.
See nothing? May be you heatmap is to big? May be you made a typo or you forgot to edit the gmap.html?
I hope this helps.
Jim, If you want you can try my new release: https://github.com/tedsluis/dump1090.socket30003.git
Just update your local repository:
pi@piaware $ ~/git/dump1090.socket30003 $ git pull
It doesn’t fix your issue, but with the “-debug” option we are able to see what messages the script reads from the 30003 port. It should be something like this:
pi@piaware ~/git/dump1090.socket30003 $ ./dump1090.socket30003.pl -peer -debug
Using the unit 'kilometer' for the distance and 'meter' for the altitude.
Trying to connect to peer host ''...
The antenna latitude & longitude are: '52.085624','5.0890591'
Connected to '', port 30003 (tcp).
The data directory/file is: /tmp/dump1090.socket30003.pl-192_168_11_44-150906.txt
The log directory/file is: /tmp/dump1090.socket30003.pl-192_168_11_44-150906.log
Starting 'dump1090.socket30003.pl'....
'dump1090.socket30003.pl' (27279) is started!
Using pidfile /tmp/dump1090.socket30003.pl-192_168_11_44.pid.
But I expect that you get different messages or may be empty messages.
Without the “-debug” option the script may give some new messages when something is wrong with the socket. But I am not sure what it will do in your case.
One more question: Have you tried to run the dump1090.socket30003.pl script as root:
pi@piaware ~/git/dump1090.socket30003 $ sudo ./dump1090.socket30003.pl
If you still want to try this, then share with me the output. If you do not want to test anymore, than that is fine with me