You have installed 64-bit rpi packages from my repository at github as at that time these were not available from Flightaware.
Subbsequently Flightaware has released 64-bit packages. I then deleted my packages from github to prevent duplication. This deletion gives error messages you saw.
Solution to stop error messages is to delete my repository from your rpi’s apt sources list (STEP-1 above).
thanks for explanations!
thanks for detailed correction steps!
thanks for your help, and, thanks for your nifty round-robin graphs1090!
it’s been running without any issues for around 1 year
hmm, just noticed big jump in CPU usage since around May ? any thoughts ?
I have to admit I am not fully up to speed with Graphs1090 and I am guessing there is a lot more to it than the graphs which are for the time being still a part of my portal. You might want to visit wiedehopf GitHub repository. He has some documentation there as well as an issue tracker you might want to check out.
The graphs1090 are not by me. These are by @wiedehopf
oops… I should’ve RTFM…
@wiedehopf, thanks for your nifty rrd graphs, and, the other tools, nice and useful!
@jprochazka, thanks for your suggestions - though, the issue is just a general CPU use, unlikely to be caused by rrd tools, just some general glitch, just interesting it jumped so much - my fault for only realizing it now…
thanks for suggestions, I was going to try reboot eventually - though, I generally try to find or identify an issue before rebooting…
I’ll try your suggestions, and, let you know
thanks again for the tips, and, your repositories!
this rpi also runs pi-hole - though it’s seldom used. my other rpi runs pi-hole, and, has no CPU issue:
Aug 29 15:39:55 rpi2 systemd[1]: Reloading FlightAware ADS-B uploader.
Aug 29 15:39:55 rpi2 systemd[1]: Reloaded FlightAware ADS-B uploader.
Aug 29 15:39:55 rpi2 piaware[53337]: Reloading configuration and reconnecting.
Aug 29 15:39:55 rpi2 piaware[53337]: Caught background error: invalid command name “setup_faup1090_vars”
Aug 29 15:39:55 rpi2 piaware[53337]: while executing
Aug 29 15:39:55 rpi2 piaware[53337]: “setup_faup1090_vars”
Aug 29 15:39:55 rpi2 piaware[53337]: (procedure “reload_config” line 9)
Aug 29 15:39:55 rpi2 piaware[53337]: invoked from within
Aug 29 15:39:55 rpi2 piaware[53337]: “reload_config”
Aug 29 15:39:55 rpi2 piaware[53337]: while executing signal trap code for SIGHUP signal
before reboot, tried again shutting all these, with no noticeable change
fr24feed / piaware / dump1090-fa / timelapse1090 / tar1090
interestingly, ADS-B CPU utilization had minor hike to correspond with overall CPU drop - similarly, when it went up back around May, ADS-B CPU decreased
anyhow, this unit is now been running for just over 1 year with no issues