I am attempting to create an animation of all US flights, like this video, but with realtime data.
Airspace Rebooted on Vimeo)
Does anyone have an recommendations for efficiently requesting thousands of flight tracks? It doesn’t have to be a scalable solution, I really just need to create a proof-of-concept, and test various mapping techniques that can handle such a complex animation.
SearchBirdseyePositions is probably your best bet, expect 2000-5000 flights in the air at any given time.
If you run it every 5 minutes for a day that’s about 76800 class 1 queries at $0.0050/ea or $384.
If you run it every 1 minute for a day that’s 384000 class 1 queries at $0.0030/ea or $1152.
If you run it every 20 minutes for a day that’s 19200 class 1 queries at $0.0070/ea or $134.