Gain Adjustment

A minor change to the code – remember the gain setting in the file, and restore it at the end.
changed formatting thanks to xcode on the mac…

import time, socket, subprocess, fileinput, os

measure_duration = 62 #seconds
ntests = 5
#ntests = 10

#gains = "20.7 22.9 25.4 28.0 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4 37.2 38.6 40.2 42.1 43.4 43.9 44.5 48.0 49.6".split()
#gains = "20.7 22.9 25.4 28.0 29.7 32.8 33.8 36.4".split()
gains = "36.4 38.6 40.2 42.1 44.5 48.0 49.6".split()

results = {}

originalgain = ''			# stuff in the starting value form the file

for i in range(ntests):
	print "test", i+1, "of", ntests
	for g in gains:
		if g not in results:
			results[g] = [0,0,{}] #msgs, positions, aircraft

#   for line in fileinput.input('/etc/default/dump1090-mutability', inplace=1):
#      if line.startswith('GAIN'):
#         print 'GAIN='+g

		for line in fileinput.input('/boot/piaware-config.txt', inplace=1):
			if line.startswith('rtlsdr-gain'):
				print 'rtlsdr-gain '+g
				if len(originalgain) == 0:
					originalgain = line			# save so we can restore it at the end
				print line,
#  os.system("sudo /etc/init.d/dump1090-mutability restart")
		os.system("sudo systemctl restart dump1090-fa")
		s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
		t = time.time()
		d = ''
		while 1:
			d += s.recv(32)
			if time.time() - t > measure_duration:
		messages = 0
		positions = 0
		planes = {}
		for l in d.split('
			a = l.split(',')
			messages += 1
			if len(a) > 4:
				if a[1] == '3':
					positions += 1
				planes[a[4]] = 1
		print "gain=",g, "messages=", messages, "positions=", positions, "planes=", len(planes.keys())
		results[g][0] += messages
		results[g][1] += positions
		for hex in planes.keys():
			results[g][2][hex] = 1

print "
print "Gain, Messages, Positions, Aircraft"
for g in gains:
	(messages,positions,planes) = results[g]
	print g, messages, positions, len(planes.keys())

# now restore the starting gain value

for line in fileinput.input('/boot/piaware-config.txt', inplace=1):
	if line.startswith('rtlsdr-gain'):
		print originalgain			# restore to where we found it
		print line,

os.system("sudo systemctl restart dump1090-fa")

bob k6rtm