FlightFeeder vs USB FlightAware Dongle

Just wondering what exactly is the differences between the two of these? I use the USB FlightAware Dongle unit on right. Just curious…

FlightFeeder pictured contains a modes beast board and a RasPi 2 it’s roughly $700+ compared to $25- for the dongle…

and badshortie’s statistics now - badshortie ADS-B Feeder Statistics - FlightAware

IMHO own device with PiAware and Dump1090 mutability 1.14 (ie without dump1090-fa ) is better solution

DECODER_OPTIONS=“–max-range 360”

This is my setup at the moment but planning on putting the antenna on my
roof tower once I get a longer coax cable. I am hoping to increase its
range of course and willing to try anything to help out “Hence the question
about the FlightFeeder vs USB Dongle”. Maybe even upgrade the antenna if
need be.

The shorter a coax cable - the better. It is ideal to install the receiver near the antenna.

and now i’d say this site is simply a lame joke with a side-feed from a second far remote receiver :joy:

the antenna is fine - if upgrade then this:

rugomol- Why mutability over dump1090-fa?

Dont know about rugomol, but my opinion:
Settings/configuration: mutability is better and easier
GUI / Map: SkyView of fa is superior.

I have best of both worlds. I have installed mutability, then replaced its GUI by SkyView of fa :slightly_smiling_face:

Excessive filtering reduces the number of aircrafts

I don’t think you read that thread all the way to the end. It was a methodology error. (Unless by filtering you mean “throwing out garbage data” - if you want a higher apparent message rate at the cost of more garbage data, use 1.14 by all means -
piaware will just throw the garbage away, anyway)

:+1: :+1: :+1:
Although the v1.14 is easier to install as its .deb package is available for download dump1090-mutability_1.14_armhf.deb, I always use v1.15~dev, which requires that several packages (necessary to build and fulfill dependencies) are installed first, then build the .deb package from the source code.

Any chance to release dump1090-mutabilty for windows?
I am currently using dump1090-win.1.10.3010.14 from dump1090 Malcom Robson fork.

Unlikely, as I don’t have a windows development environment (or much interest in setting one up)

Is the lack of interest on your part or our part?

There are 2 or 3 other ‘branches’ for Windows, as I used them in the past. Not sure about their current status, but one of them is available here:

Didn’t mean to sound snippy but anti windows bias is a trigger for me. Having spent over 25 years in a dual environment at a medium university this bias was rampant in the back end IT group. Several years back I was in a IT group discussion of the future hardware to gather all the smaller mail servers into one larger encompassing system. Obviously the old school group just assumed we would expand the current central system hardware on Unix and adsorbed all the Exchange (Windows) systems. Realising I was a single voice in the wilderness i nevertheless questioned why Exchange was not in the consideration to which the reply was "we can’t use windows, we deliver over 7 million messages a day. " To which I replied that was a number of boxes issue not a capability issue. Within one year of affirming the unix platform, and spending millions on new hardware, they started the march to a bigger better Unix mail system. And four years later there were big almost new and unused unix boxes still sitting in the hallways of IT. The transition to an Windows Exchange platform had already started and the Unix system was looking at a sunset date.
So when I detect the long nose Unix folks looking down at Windows I get my back up. So unless you can opine with respect please refrain from doing so.

So I’ll start. The number one reason I hear to use RP is it uses less power. There has to be a better reason.

I bought my first Pi starter kit which contained everything except the radio for about $AU90; Pi, case, power supply, microSD card and carrier, usb microSD card writer, HDMI cable, fan and heatsinks.

Took me about an hour to put it together, write the piaware image and have it all running.

It is autonomous and I don’t have to worry about what else is running when i want to make a change or reboot.

I am not running Windows 10 so it doesn’t unilaterally update and reboot whether i want to or not.

I can mount it close to the antenna and power it over PoE to minimise RF loses.

I have five running for various reasons which i would not have done if not running on a SoC with a simple installation.

I mailed a complete system including antenna in an envelope to a small island in the middle of the Indian Ocean.

And it is very low power.

Nothing really to do with Unix V Windows.



If by RP you mean the Raspberry Pi, no, not the primary reason. Cost, availability, and easy setup come first. Power is certainly a factor as well. The OS only come into play due to the fact that it’s free. I would never pay for a Windows license, or any other license, for this kind of a hobby project.

Is the PI an software agnostic platform? or is it some flavor uf linux/unix only?
So your choice of hardware platform is indeed everything to do with the host software.

Just like the SUN hardware sitting in the hallway the the university was not repurposed to Exchange on Windows,
FlightAware made a choice of platforms was that supported their economic goals which (my guess) a inexpensive, reliable, field ready, and could send data to them. (I’ll play both roles)