The platform is agnostic, developers are not.
Microsoft was working on a version of Windows for the ARM processor. I used to receive emails about the project, but then it stopped. I have no idea where it’s at.
The platform is agnostic, developers are not.
Microsoft was working on a version of Windows for the ARM processor. I used to receive emails about the project, but then it stopped. I have no idea where it’s at.
They have a windows 10 version.
The pi is kinda special hardware made by the Raspberry Pi foundation.
They modify linux to make it work basically.
So they only support that with regards to driver etc.
Also it is a lot of work keeping a port to Windows going. It’s not needed for the majority of users.
You are free to port the software yourself i guess
I had Piaware running on a VMware virtual machine on a Windows desktop. There is a suitable Linux image to run on theVM and then load Piaware from the scripts.
It is documented somewhere here.
Try it and see if you prefer it to the simplicity of running the piaware image on a Pi.
And Microsoft has millions of it’s windows running in everything from ATMs to Automobiles.
Maybe this is more a chip war than a software war.
Ok I have yet to read Jon Hawkes post but maybe all the tools are there if someone would kick it off which brings us back is there enough demand.
Been running for 4 months already and doing ok. I am just as resistant to diving into the guts of the application and gain adjustments. Maybe I’m just lazy to too old but I think that with the attitude of the FA team this will never be the consumer product I want. Gain in the simplest form would enable you to choose from a pick list from Skyview app. Just like abcd567 (amazing user BTW) demonstrated was possible but FA thought it opened the “internals” too much (my word I think) for security. Don’t know how other apps do it. Another was the selection of alternate maps in skyview. (never going to be consumer friendly this way.)
These seem to be rudimentary to a consumer product but now I realize that is not a goal of FA.
Don’t know why they like hanging with geeks all the time.
Did you try VRS? It won’t solve the gain setting ‘problem’, but it offers some other features. It’s free, so it won’t cost you anything, other than time.
Don’t expect me to come to the defense of a for profit corporation, but in fairness, FA has an objective/business plan, and it’s not to cater to hobbyists. We are hitching a ride here. We give them some data, they give us a forum and a potential new hobby. A few others even received a complete ADS-B station for free.
While FA has already said satellite ADS-B will not replace our home stations, I seriously doubt they will devote any more time and energy to it.
Lack of interest on my part. dump1090-mutability, in particular, is something that’s entirely done in my free time (and that’s why it’s had almost no work done on it for a while - no free time!). Trying to port it to Windows isn’t something that’s interesting to me (porting software is not very exciting, and I wouldn’t use the end result anyway) so I’m unlikely to spend my free time working on that.
On the FA side, Windows-based feeder software would be a nice to have but it’s not high on the priority list for various reasons. We do take data via Planeplotter which is at least a stopgap (though there are data quality issues).
They’re solving two different problems. The terrestrial network produces more comprehensive data (extended Mode S, mlat, etc). The space network provides global coverage. We need them both, they’re not mutually exclusive and neither is going to be neglected.
Well I guess it comes down to what the customer wants and who is the customer. So FA sells products to the flight industry. It gets its data from the FAA (which I assume you pay for) and from consumers/hobbyist like me. (the free part except for customer support calls and sending out Flightfeeders free to where nobody lives or communicates, but where planes fly)
So the aircraft industry currently could give a crap collecting data as long as ADSB, ground stations, and satellites keep track of their planes and feed FA. For this service they pay some fee for service to you. FA keeps the hobbyist and flight enthusiast happy with DIY kits they purchase for themselves (from you mostly BTW) and FA tells them how to put them together. (customer service, web services, Forums, etc.)
So now it seems you need to keep your feeders, flight enthusiasts, hobbyist happy because they are your business partners that invest a significant amount of time and money doing business with you . They are not hangers on. They are not second class consumers. They can not be a bother to you if you want to maintain that part of you feeder data.
So now we can talk about customer requests and software upgrades.
So let’s talk about making your software as widely available as possible so that FA has more participants in your network. I assume that is a goal yes? So that means you have software the appeals to more people. Burying your product in non consumer product is not good business sense. An example: somehow the automatic adjustment of gain has never part of the application. There is not even a manual adjustment for gain in the app. By in the application I mean menu/pulldown pick off a list, not some sojourn in linux land for the not so faint of heart.
Another feature that apparently already exists is the maps. What is the problem with Skyview where this cannot be included off a menu.
If you are overloaded hire more people please
Get the windows product in house not your house.
Just a note. You don’t need FA for anything really. Not just FA, you don’t need any of the other sites either. I was tracking planes before I started feeding sites.
If you want to use Windows based software, for the PC, they are out there. I suggest RTL1090 to start. Paired with VRS, you have a nice ADS-B Windows system.
I started because I am a flight enthusiast and hope to start pilot lessons soon. I did it because it was cool and I’m already a HAM Extra class radio operator so I thought I knew a little about radio so how hard could this be.
I did not want to rip anyone a new one but he/she p*** me off. I just had cataract surgery and I’m not in the mood for programers who haven’t taken business 101 or business communication 102.
I mentioned purchasing from FA because, though it probably is not a significant revenue source, they probably do more than break even and it fit my argument. Since money at this level is not a big outlay for me I went with safe and easy. And I did a safe install, purchased a blank card, formatted it, put on the image, booted, attached to account, purchased two filters one of which was a FA filter. I a stuck at this point because I almost refuse to drop into the OS to do the most simple of tasks. Wife says I’m stubborn, she is right.
Thanks of listening to the rant.
I’m not writing the following about you, or for you.
I’m also a ham, have been for 38 years. Hams think too highly of themselves in general. There are some fantastic hams out there, very intelligent and skilled, but the vast majority just proved they can memorize a question bank pool, and pass a multiple guess exam. No more, no less.
My experience in ‘hamdom’ is that it just reflects society as a whole, its best and its worst.
Some of us are technicians some of us are programmers, and some of us are bureaucrats but all of us are just people.
We all learn by doing but I am not ready to go down a rabbit hole for knowledge not needed going forward. Either they improve the product of I’ll go elsewhere. I’m sure at this point FA will be glad to see me go. I just moved to a new and final property and have yet to get up my antennas (except for the FA one). I guess solar min is getting to me. Man, I have to get on the air!!!
I think what you are saying boils down to “development isn’t prioritized in the way that I want”.
dump1090-mutability is the older, purely done-in-my-own-free-time, hobbyist project that predates FlightAware’s involvement. The comment you were responding to was asking for a Windows port of dump1090-mutability. It is unreasonable to demand that I spend my unpaid free time on what you want. I would politely suggest that if you want a particular thing prioritized in dump1090-mutability, then you either do it yourself (I’m happy to merge high quality PRs) or hire someone to do it for you.
I think you may want to filter further posts on the subject with your management. What I want is for PIAware Skyview/dump1090fa to be programmed like a modern application and not regulated to could have been application designed for technicians and programmers.
Arrogance is what will bring down business owners who don’t/won’t listen tor customers and partners.
If you’re talking about dump1090-fa, you did not make that clear earlier.
I’m in a slightly unusual position in that I have a fair amount of open source code around that predates the work I do for FlightAware - dump1090-mutability, dump978, various tooling like the graphs that adsbreceiver uses, etc. I try to provide support for this when I have free time. It’s not part of my FlightAware work. If you ask about those things, you’re going to get a response in a personal capacity. Sorry if that wasn’t clear. I guess I could run two forum accounts, but that seems a bit silly.
In terms of what’s prioritized for Skyview et al, that’s mostly a project management and business prioritization question which is not a decision I’m directly involved with.
Thank you. I now understand. Sorry I got HOT but have grown to really like these apps and want so much better for them. So far the partners are not getting any progress on updates unless they are that certain class of users (programers and technicians)
I know how it is in a shop. I know very well the owner of an 80 person shop that does software development/support for their applications in c#. The list of projects is long and varied and in most cases it is the customer who pays best (or where several customers ask of the same thing) that gets his squirt of oil in his wheel.
Who the hell still uses Windows for embedded applications??? No one.
It sounds like you still think it’s 2003. The times have changed.
I am sorry if I am a bit confused but I am unclear what you have purchased from Flightaware that does not work as advertised.
I bought an FA Pro Stick Plus but it came without any expectation other than it would work as a USB SDR with a filter and amplifier for 1090MHz.
There was no software so I had no expectation that software would work in any particular way. That is the only Customer experience I have had with FA or to be precise, an FA reseller.
The software I use, ie the Piaware image and the Stats page on their website are both free and, as such I am not a customer of their software.
I am therefore not a customer for anything I get from them aside from the Pro Stick.
I am not a business partner because I am not in business with them.
I have a symbiotic relationship with FA; I give them some useful data and they give me access to a website that stores, analyses and presents that data to me in what is to me a useful format.
Nowhere was it every stated what platform I had to use or what hardware I should run it on. As I stated above I have run data feed to Flightaware from both Raspberry Pis and Windows desktops.
From my observations FA just want data about aircraft in my area. They have never asked me to improve my antenna, install filters or amplifiers or indeed fiddle with the gain. This has all been for my personal fulfilment.
When you bought you DIY kit from Flightaware did you expect to have an GUI to change the gain? If yes, which gain setting as there is more than one in some receivers.
I’m not defending FA as you will see in some of my other posts that I have difficulties with some of their software but for me it is just a hobby and I will either continue or not but the world wont end either way.