Have you tried the aircraft.json? I am not sure if it is available on a FlightFeeder, but on a standard PiAware system (sd-card or package install), it is available as below:
That definitely includes at least the NIC, NAC, and SIL. You would likely have to design your own setup to poll the aircraft.json at your desired interval, perhaps every few seconds, and then write that data to a database you could later review and search. It would not record every message, but would give you a current snapshot of recent messages received.
The aircraft.json is what is used by the SkyAware local web view, and why you can see those values you are interested when selecting an aircraft and scrolling down to the “Accuracy” section at the bottom.
Here is just one sample line of the output for one single aircraft:
{“hex”:“a56a91”,“flight”:"ENY3387 ",“alt_baro”:30425,“alt_geom”:32325,“gs”:465.0,“track”:137.5,“baro_rate”:768,“squawk”:“7364”,“emergency”:“none”,“category”:“A3”,“nav_qnh”:1013.6,“nav_altitude_mcp”:35008,“nav_modes”:[“autopilot”,“tcas”],“lat”:29.793732,“lon”:-85.736460,“nic”:8,“rc”:186,“seen_pos”:0.3,“version”:2,“nic_baro”:1,“nac_p”:10,“nac_v”:2,“sil”:3,“sil_type”:“perhour”,“gva”:2,“sda”:2,“modea”:true,“mlat”:,“tisb”:,“messages”:7343,“seen”:0.1,“rssi”:-19.0},
If you still insist on storing raw messages, not decoded in any way, then your best bet would be to store the actual beast binary 30005 output and then use your own designed real-time decoder for searching that data later. I suspect that would be much more involved than designing something to use the aircraft.json and writing it to a database.
The port 30003 output you said you like definitely does NOT include the data fields you are interested in.
Good luck,