Flightfeeder - message elements log

I have a flightfeeder, from which I want to extract and record the ADS-B raw data.
I dit get VSR setup and can get reports but this is not what I want.
I would like to record the actual message sets of ADS-B, I want to capture the NIC, NAC, SIL etc data transmitted and be able to look back at it.

I can connect Putty to the localIP:30003 and see this data, then disconnect and review the log. However is there an easy way of capturing this feed and put it in hourly or daily logs.

You could run an external view1090 (generally installed as part of of a dump1090 install) in --no-interactive mode, reading from the FlightFeeder’s port 30005. This will write decoded messages to stdout. Log rotation left as an exercise for the reader.

Port 30003 uses an old format that does not completely decode many messages.

That is the thing I don’t want (fully) decoded messages.
I want the actual extended squitter data package value.

When in communication for work (me national airworthiness authority) to our ANSP, relating to non compliant data, to our regs, we get the date provided by them in similar as it comes out of 30003 (by looks)
From an email:
2019/01/12 | 0213:58 | 0254:07 | C8**** | ZK*** | AAB | DO260B | 7 - 7 | 4282 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 4286 | ZK-***, PA28,

I redacted some identifying info, and I am sure the last entry comes from their internal source records on the aircraft.

playing around with view1090 on 30005 it is very much decoded, and also not giving she actually data package information. No SIL NIC NUC NACs.


Have you tried the aircraft.json? I am not sure if it is available on a FlightFeeder, but on a standard PiAware system (sd-card or package install), it is available as below:

That definitely includes at least the NIC, NAC, and SIL. You would likely have to design your own setup to poll the aircraft.json at your desired interval, perhaps every few seconds, and then write that data to a database you could later review and search. It would not record every message, but would give you a current snapshot of recent messages received.

The aircraft.json is what is used by the SkyAware local web view, and why you can see those values you are interested when selecting an aircraft and scrolling down to the “Accuracy” section at the bottom.

Here is just one sample line of the output for one single aircraft:

{“hex”:“a56a91”,“flight”:"ENY3387 ",“alt_baro”:30425,“alt_geom”:32325,“gs”:465.0,“track”:137.5,“baro_rate”:768,“squawk”:“7364”,“emergency”:“none”,“category”:“A3”,“nav_qnh”:1013.6,“nav_altitude_mcp”:35008,“nav_modes”:[“autopilot”,“tcas”],“lat”:29.793732,“lon”:-85.736460,“nic”:8,“rc”:186,“seen_pos”:0.3,“version”:2,“nic_baro”:1,“nac_p”:10,“nac_v”:2,“sil”:3,“sil_type”:“perhour”,“gva”:2,“sda”:2,“modea”:true,“mlat”:,“tisb”:,“messages”:7343,“seen”:0.1,“rssi”:-19.0},

If you still insist on storing raw messages, not decoded in any way, then your best bet would be to store the actual beast binary 30005 output and then use your own designed real-time decoder for searching that data later. I suspect that would be much more involved than designing something to use the aircraft.json and writing it to a database.

The port 30003 output you said you like definitely does NOT include the data fields you are interested in.

Good luck,


If you want all the raw bits, then I’d suggest directly consuming from port 30005 – this has the entire 112-bit ADS-B message.

FWIW, dump1090/view1090’s decoded output actually does output the raw ME field at the very start – but the decoded output is very ad-hoc and I wouldn’t rely on it staying the same.

Are you using a current dump1090-fa? It definitely does decode/display those fields: https://github.com/flightaware/dump1090/blob/e3b3fa879bceee8ab9b5ef1e40ffb21aff3a1f5c/mode_s.c#L2107

I tried like this


On Receiver-1 (TVBox rock3318/Armbian Jammy) issued following command:
NOTE: The is IP of Receiver-2 (RPi-Model4) running dump1090-fa. Used it in lieu of Flightfeeder

abcd@rk3318-box:~$ nc 30005 >> output.bin 

## After 5 minutes:
abcd@rk3318-box:~$ ls -l -h output.bin
-rw-rw-r-- 1 abcd abcd 4.2M Sep  1 09:57 output.bin


Made following changes in Receiver-1

abcd@rk3318-box:~$ sudo nano /etc/default/dump1090-fa




Issued following commands.
The dump1090-fa FAILED to start: (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)

abcd@rk3318-box:~$ sudo systemctl restart dump1090-fa
abcd@rk3318-box:~$ sudo systemctl status dump1090-fa
â—Ź dump1090-fa.service - dump1090 ADS-B receiver (FlightAware customization)
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/dump1090-fa.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: activating (auto-restart) (Result: exit-code) since Fri 2023-09-01 10:16:58 EDT; 6s ago
       Docs: https://flightaware.com/adsb/piaware/
    Process: 37670 ExecStart=/usr/share/dump1090-fa/start-dump1090-fa --write-json /run/dump1090-fa (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
   Main PID: 37670 (code=exited, status=1/FAILURE)
        CPU: 35ms


No idea why using argument --ifile /home/abcd/output.bin caused failure.


Did you run it from the command line and see what error it produced?

--ifile doesn’t do what you’re trying to do; it expects raw samples, not port 30005 messages. (Also, it always exits “abnormally” after doing what it’s meant to do, which should probably be fixed but is pretty minor)

If I create file output.bin by following command, will this file contain raw samples, and will it be OK for use as --ifile for dump1090-fa?

rtl_sdr -f 1090000000 -s 2000000 -g 50 output.bin    


You need a sampling rate of 2400000, not 2000000, but otherwise yes.

Note that these files are extremely large – ~5MB/second of capture. --ifile is mostly aimed at doing development work on the demodulator (so you can have reproducible inputs for comparison)

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Thank you @obj for your valuable guidance & advises.

Can anyone please tell me what the most current release is of the Pro Stick PLUS? TYIA

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