It did. And as it turned out; that old phone charger isn’t faulty; I just replaced the other (3A) phone charger with the official RPi power supply and it was working for some minutes but down again.
So to me it comes down to either:
- Raspberry Pi (hardware failure, doub it, that would cause all sorts of problems I don’t have, except maybe some sort of USB hardware failure)
- FA orange stick (hardware failure)
- bias tee injector (hardware failure; power LED is on though)
- Software issue
- Some weird external influence on the reception.
(I’m currently doing this test: Do I Need A Filter?)
I think I have an old 1st-gen RPi model B somewhere; I replaced it with the RPi 3B+ since the old RPi couldn’t handle the increased load, but I may be able to swap the RPi 3 with the old RPi and see if the RPi3 is failing.