What is the best first class seat you have either sat in or seen?
My vote (although i havent seen it in person) is Singapore or Emirates
What is the best first class seat you have either sat in or seen?
My vote (although i havent seen it in person) is Singapore or Emirates
I voted for “other” because I’ve only flown first class twice. Both times were over 20 years ago. Of the two airlines, I say TWA was better than Continental but not by much.
The Continental flight was in first because, at the time, the night economy fare on flights between Hawaii and the mainland were the same. Because my flight started in the day time and connected in LAX to a night flight, I got the first class seat.
The TWA flight was due to overbooking of my original STL-TUL-OKC-LAX flight. Though disappointed in not being able to make so many stops between STL and LAX, it was nice to be seated in First Class. Only problem was a very long layover in LAX before I could connect to my LAX-ONT flight (on a 727, no less!). However, it was interesting to explore LAX until the day turned into night and there wasn’t much to see.
Personally, I don’t really care for first class (unless they get actual food on a long (4+ hr) flight). The coach/economy/etc. seats are good enough for me. My logic (or illogic you might call it) comes from the preference of, “View first, seating later.” I prefer either behind the wing, so I can see what’s happening with the control surfaces, or just in front of the engine on a low-wing, so I can look at the powerplant. The picture I showed on an F seat (as in A,B,C, D, E, F…) in an A319 departing MSO was a little too much on the wing for me. Next best would be the jumpseat. Or, better yet, PIC or F/O on the flight.
I’m with you, Citation. The view is what I want. However, if someone upgrades to first class without any additional charges to me I’m not going to complain.
I’ve always wanted to fly in a 747 in first class in the first row. There’s something about actually being ahead of the pilots that would make the flight interesting.
Technically, you can say you got there before they did…
Best first class seat: the one in my HOME theater center
Best first class service: On the BA Concorde LHR/JFK. What was especially memorable was that our family of 5 got 15 minutes of full-attention cockpit time somewhere over the mid-Atlantic. What a great gift that was for my then 7 year-old son.
Most comfortable first class arrangement: Qantas – especially when the 747 upper deck was a first class lounge.
Best single first class meal: Qantas (Perth/Singapore) Australian lobster crockpot thermidore.
Best first class meal service: Canadian Pacific (Amsterdam/Calgary) – especially the Canadian rib eyes that were loaded on in Toronto. Actually that was a Business Class flight on a plane not configured with first class.
Only first class 3-movie flight: Braniff (London Gatwick/DFW)
Most attentive first class cabin crew: TWA (KJFK/KBOS). It was a 2 a.m. flight and I was the only passenger. I didn’t have a first class ticket, but the crew asked me to sit in first class anyway. An hour of bliss served up by a crew of 4. Did we have fun!!!
Best first class wine: Nothing memorable! I enjoy the wines I buy locally for $10-$20 a bottle as much as anything I can remember being served on a flight.
Worst first class — but that’s another topic, isn’t it? My list would be headed by United out of Anchorage.
I would have to agree with you on Emirates first class on their A345’s
If i’m not mistaken they have an interactive minisite on emirates.com