We (my company) are using FlightXML to query past, active and (where available) future flights for tails that we service. In some tails, we are finding more than one “active” flight (that is, “now” is between the actualdeparturetime and the actualarrivaltime is not yet set) per tail, implying that the aircraft in question is in more than one place at a time.
In retrieving the data on specific flights for a tail, a great deal of them do not line up with what is presented on the FlightAware website. In those flights, the faFlightID often contains “schedule” as the third segment where the legitimate flights seem to contain “airline” in that segment. I now note that there are a number of different values in that third segment from “airline”, “schedule”, “adhoc”, “fds”, “ed”, or an integer value between one and three characters. Which of these are valid flights and valid flight details?