FA_Grafana Updates

Quick question regarding the FA_Grafana dashboard described in this thread. The installed version is 6.7.2, but the bottom of the login screen mentions at update to 7.3.4 being available.

My question is if updating it via the installation scripts here will break functionality.

Maybe not functionality, but some graph parts might be depreciated and you will need to do manual adjustment in the configuration

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Hey @timothydykstra82, I haven’t had time to revisit this so I’m not sure of the effect. I’d imagine what foxhunter said is probably true, but let me know what you find out if you decide to update it.

I plan to get back to Grafana not in this upcoming PiAware release, but the one after.

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I ran the installation commands for the ARMv7 architecture (assuming that is appropriate for a Pi 4), but got the following error message. Didn’t want to procede beyond that due to my lack of expertise.

Thanks @eric1tran for being willing to put more time into this project!

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