Dissociation with Site

I can’t dissociation a site on my status page. It has worked one time ago, but now not. A click on dissociation link execute nothing. I will jump only to the head of my site.

I want to delete a not working site from my account.

Can somebody check why that doesn’t work?

your not working site will be automatic deleted afther 7 or 15 days of inactivity i dont remember .


I’ll open a ticket on the problem. Yes, also, it will automatically disassociate after 30 days.

Thanks for your feedback gents.

Has this problem been solved yet? I continue to click the disassociate link and the dongle is still associated with my account. I have contacted customer service for assistance, however, I was wondering when this would be fixed. Quite annoying!

This got dropped, sorry, looking into it.

Thank you for looking in to this. Customer service has not been able to solve this issue. I was directed to use the disassociation link under My ADS-B which is non-functional.

Seems to take 3 or 4 trys before it disappears, almost like it loads for deletion overnight or something