Different data arrived from FlightXML 2?

We’re trying to figure out how come we have different information from FlightAware’s website.

For this instance, we’re speaking about the flight: ELY 388 (El al flight from Milan to Tel Aviv).
In FlightAware’s website, the departure time is set to 23:00

But when we make the request, we receive the timestamp: 1494795000, which stands for 23:50:00
We’ve seen even 1 hour difference.

Could anyone help me why is it like this?


1494795000 is Sun 14 May 2017 20:50:00 UTC, or 22:50 CEST; not 23:50.

22:50 CEST is also the current scheduled time for that flight shown on the website.

Sounds like you have a bug in your epoch → local time conversion.