Updated config.js.
Updated config.js.
how you make your aircraft colorized?
Sent from my SM-N910F using Tapatalk
In the file /usr/share/dump1090/public_html/config.js, the following variables define the color associated with the aircraft icons:
MarkerColor = “rgb(0, 128, 255)”;
MlatMarkerColor = “rgb(0, 128, 64)”;
SelectedColor = “rgb(255, 0, 0)”;
Later versions have different colours for different altitudes and different shades for MLAT.
How do I know what version I’m running, and more importantly, where do I get the latest version?
I think the version of dump shows on the GUI.
The easiest way to get the dev version is to use Joe’s Scripts.
It takes 4 commands, answering a few questions and a reboot.
The scripts allow you to feed multiple sites, adds stats graphs an you can even add heywhatsthat.com range polygons.
The table on the RHS gets range and flag(nation of registration) columns
You get your choice of maps: road, terminal, IFR and world etc.
There are links to see the FA info on the flight or the airframes.org data on the transponder hex code(ie who owns it).
Correctly identified helicopters show up as helicopter icons.
They recently added a larger aircraft icon for heavy aircraft(emitter cat 5 = Heavy > 300 000lbs I believe)
You can set range circles in /usr/share/dump1090-mutability/html/config.js
SiteCircles = true; // true to show circles (only shown if the center marker is shown)
// In nautical miles or km (depending settings value ‘Metric’)
SiteCirclesDistances = new Array(100,150,200,225);
another option is to wait until piaware V3 comes out. It is due soon.
This post shows the later versions with the older google and the newer bing road maps
(google will go away due to a recent google policy change)
You can see the different colours of the aircraft(based on altitude). Both images show A/C at different altitudes.
bright green is on the ground.
Appreciate the details related to getting the latest dump setup. RHS just shows DUMP1090 but no version number. I’ll have a go at installing the latest rev.
Error during installation:
dpkg-shlibdeps -Tdebian/dump1090-mutability.substvars debian/dump1090-mutability/usr/bin/dump1090-mutability debian/dump1090-mutability/usr/bin/view1090-mutability
dpkg-shlibdeps: error: no dependency information found for /usr/lib/librtlsdr.so.0 (used by debian/dump1090-mutability/usr/bin/dump1090-mutability)
Hint: check if the library actually comes from a package.
dh_shlibdeps: dpkg-shlibdeps -Tdebian/dump1090-mutability.substvars debian/dump1090-mutability/usr/bin/dump1090-mutability debian/dump1090-mutability/usr/bin/view1090-mutability returned exit code 2
debian/rules:30: recipe for target ‘binary’ failed
make: *** [binary] Error 2
dpkg-buildpackage: error: fakeroot debian/rules binary gave error exit status 2
Installing the dump1090-mutability package…
dpkg: error processing archive dump1090-mutability_1.15~dev_.deb (–install):
cannot access archive: No such file or directory
Errors were encountered while processing:
The dump1090-mutability package did not install properly!
This script has exited due to the error encountered.
Please read over the above output in order to determine what went wrong.
Are you running Wheezy or Jessie?
Try this
sudo apt-get install librtlsdr-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev pkg-config debhelper
git clone github.com/mutability/dump1090.git
cd dump1090
dpkg-buildpackage -b
sudo dpkg -i …/dump1090-mutability_1.15~dev_armhf.deb
Looks like I’m running the wrong OS release.
pi@piaware:~/dump1090 $ cat /etc/issue
Raspbian GNU/Linux 8
I’ll need to get another SD card so I can keep what I’ve got, then start again with the required OS.
Thanks again for your help.
Not a problem.
Joe’s scripts, link above, actually has an image version.
It is only a few months old, however, when you run the script, it upgrades all of the packages.
Also, as I said, a new version of piaware should be out soon.
OK. Started with fresh uSD card and the dump1090-mutability image. Install took awhile, but went exactly as instructed. No errors.
Well done.
If you did it late yesterday then you should have the NEXRAD weather radar overlay as an option(US only).
I think it looks a lot nicer than the current production version of dump1090.
There are a bunch of other changes that should improve reception.
When UAT978 takes off (Hoping it will, but not expecting miracles), there is a simple add-on for it.
Unfortunately there is only one decoder that I am aware of. 1090mhz has dump1090, modes2decoder, airspy, beast, radarcape, SBS and recently trilby hat.
I have found only one amp/filter combo but there are a couple of decent antennas.
Yes. I do see the NEXRAD map layer. Pretty neat.
Has anyone talked about possibly swapping out OpenLayers3 and using Cesium (https://cesiumjs.org/) for 2D/3D rendering?
planeFinderClient has a 3D visualizer. It’s not Cesium, but it’s easy to imagine a 3D globe and the raster/vector layers currently supported.
I’ve made a small tweak to be able to change the site circle color. Current release sets it to black. A little more visually dominate than I would like.
SiteCircleColor = '#b3b3b3';
var circleStyle = new ol.style.Style({
fill: null,
stroke: new ol.style.Stroke({
color: SiteCircleColor,
width: 1
If you look at the aircraft outline, the ones with a darker outside are ads-b and the ones that don’t have a light outline are MLAT.
I like tinkering with the dump1090 source too. I have (thanks to helps from Jo’s scripts at adsb-receiver) added a basestation database to mySql and am reporting aircraft details as permanent titles. this as well as changing trails to red for ‘interesting’ aircraft, and an option to show all trails or just the selected aircraft.