Correct Call sign identifier for NOAA flights

When NOAA flights are tracked, they are incorrectly labeled as “Norontair (Canada)”. But they are actually the U.S. National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration flights. NOAA is the parent government organization for the National Weather Service, National Ocean Service, and others. Many folks track their Hurricane Hunter flights & Hurricane imagery response flights this time of year & I wanted to get the mis-labeling out there to avoid any confusion.

This a known problem. What happens is that the software looks at the first three characters of the call sign. If it is in the database then that company is called shown. Unfortunately, NOAA files flights plans with the NOAAxxx call sign. FlightAware sees NOA and thinks it’s a Norontair flight.

This also happens a lot with Canadian aircraft. Currently, looking at the View All Fleets page, there are two aircraft shown in flight for CFC (Canadian Armed Forces). When you click on the link what shows up is actually are two civilian aircraft registered CFCNR and CFCYX.