Climb/Descent Rate Data


Question on the climb/descent rate data in the flight track log. I recently took a bumpy flight from Boston to London on a 787. Checking the flight track log after, I noticed most of the 7 hour flight had “+25/-25” in the “rate” column. I have followed this for a few weeks and have noticed that 787s seem to have this occur commonly on this route, where as others (777s or Airbus) do not.

Is this because 787s do not handle turbulence well? Or is it something with the way 787s report data?

Some examples from Friday 10/13:

A330 which left a couple of hours later:

Thanks in advance

First, need to say I don’t know why but it looks like the flight tracking data gets pruned a bit to just the points where there’s “some” change. If other flights don’t show the effect, it could be they might not have as fine of resolution on what they broadcast and thus don’t show the +/- 25’ changes? If the resolution on the other planes is 50’ or 100’ then even though the plane may be experiencing 25’ or more variations, it might not be reflected in the tracking data. I’ve noticed that there do seem to be differences in the ADS-B data planes transmit so maybe? But I’m just guessing based on other behaviors I’ve seen.