I’m looking for a flight from West Palm Beach Florida to Jacksonville Florida to visit a little boy who has leukemia. I’m attempting to help his family with reduced fee/pro bono legal services to get a family member from Senegal in order to help the mother a US Citizen originally from Senegal to care for her son and four other children. Her brother was denied a tourist visa to come here ( no fault of his own he prepared himself and did not proper legal help) and I will be re-filing and getting congressional support. I am an expert in consular processing law and offer my elite services two or three times a year for very special cases such as this one. I would normally drive It or front the airfare myself And spend a couple days to meet the family retrieve documents and then come back. But I learned of private flights for charity and thought I would reach out to see if anyone is going this direction and be willing to help this effort. Or refer me to somebody who will. I have a client release I can to send all supporting documents regarding the substantive verification of the the case and can provide all of my references and credentials of course. If I can become connected with an organization or a hobby flight pilot that would love this effort as much is me; I can help so many more due to time-saving and me not having to front costs for assisting these low income individuals that can’t afford the big fancy firms which I work for and help all the time. I can get access to these amazing people that can’t always get help . Cheers! Sarah S. Rama ESQ LLM
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I remember reading about charity flights years ago. A quick Google search returned a number of hits. The first one, as an example, was the following:
I have no connection with the above, or any other organization.
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Super! Truly appreciate it.
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