When using the following code I receive an Authorization Error message. The error occurs when invoking GetLastTrack. I am using my key in place of the *****. Any idea why?
WSFlightaware.DirectFlight ws3 = new WSFlightaware.DirectFlight();
ws3.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("hodgsonm", "******"); // using System.Net; required
ws3.PreAuthenticate = true;
WSFlightaware.TrackStruct] mytailnumbers = ws3.GetLastTrack(N_number);
Exception Details: System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 401: Authorization Required.
Line 254: [return: System.Xml.Serialization.SoapElementAttribute(“return”)]
Line 255: public TrackStruct] GetLastTrack(string ident) {
Line 256: object] results = this.Invoke(“GetLastTrack”, new object] {
Line 257: ident});
Line 258: return ((TrackStruct])(results[0]));