From your FAQ, you suggest the calculation of arrival delay of a flight using the following formula:
How late the arrival was = (actualarrivaltime - (filed_departuretime + filed_ete)).
I’m using that formula on FlightInfoStatus, the problem is that the results seems inaccurate!
Do you suggest to use the arrival_delay value instead to obtain the desired result?
Consulting that value, seems for correct than the computed one.
AS example, please use 
and do the math with the first flight CPA779-1557900600-schedule-0004:
1558096495 - (1558073400 + 15540 ) = 7555 seconds
“arrival_delay”: 6060, → seems more accurate!
The FAQ method is a recommendation when using endpoints like FlightInfoEx. It’s not needed for endpoints like AirportBoards and FlightInfoStatus that use the FlightInfoStatusStruct and provide a dedicated field for the value.