Airspy mini with pi5 - straightforward?

I hadnt seen a posting regarding if any issues with this combination - I currently use a pi zero2W on a FA prostick plus but have an Airspy mini as part of another hobby. I already have the pi5.

I did consider an incremental swapout:
Swap out pi zero2w for pi5 and test it all works
Swap out FA prostick + stick for the Airspy and test it all works

or just go straight for it with pi5 and airspy mini. Maybe part of me wanted to know if the pi5 made any difference with the old setup.

Looking to improve the 150 aircraft/1500 messages per sec - although now that the leaves are dropping from trees, it may improve slightly anyway.

Small progressive change increments allow for better measurement of those changes and better control of problems along the way. Enjoy the forward motion.


The zero 2w should run the airspy fine at 12MHz. You should see a significant difference in performance compared to an RTL dongle.

The pi 5 is overkill for adsb even with an airspy - you can run it at 20MHz with a ton of cpu to spare. A pi 4 only uses about 50% cpu so the 5 will be a lot less. The difference between 12 and 20 MHz is small compared to the difference between an airspy and an RTL dongle.

The upgrade process is simple if you use wiedehopf’s scripts, so you could try the airspy on the zero first if you want. The same sd card should boot in the pi 5 without changes, just make sure the os is up to date.

No mention of an LNA, so it will depend a lot on the antenna if it’s comparable to the FA blue stick.

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I use an 8GB Pi 5 with an Airspy mini, but it is not a dedicated system. The Pi runs and ADSB other apps - file server, print server, scanner and network control. It has cpu utilization of 50% unless it is queuing lots of print. I do have a Pi3 that only runs ADSB and feeders. It has cpu utilization of 10%.

Reading through the HOWTO article - currently on 23 / 4442 - mostly to see if anything has changed between 2019 and now. I only just discovered the firmware can be updated - replaced the 2016 firmware with the current one. Finally got some time this weekend to try it for ADS-B. Probably fiddle about on PC side first as its cold where the pi is. I have an uptronics 1090 LNA which I may try (just to see the difference with and without).

No doubt everything I intend to try has been done and is mentioned somewhere within that 4442 post thread!

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