AirportBoard - Time difference with information provided by airport

Hi there,

I’m using AirportBoard to get scheduled & enroute flights from Malaga airport (AGP/LEMG).

In order to check that the information provided is valid, I’m comparting EAT/EDT with the one provided by Aena (Spanish Agency controlling all airports and flights in Spain), and I have detected that there is always a 10 min difference between the information provided by Aena and the one provided by AirportBoard.

Is there any reason for it?

Some examples of flights of today 26/11:

a) Scheduled (AirportBoard EDT is always 10min after Aena EDT)

  • IBS3775 (Aena EDT: 10:40pm; AirportBoard EDT: 10:50pm)
  • AMC591 (Aena EDT: 11:20pm; AirportBoard EDT: 11:30pm)

b) Enroute (AirportBoard EAT is always 10min before Aena EAT)

  • AEA5403 (Aena EAT: 11:00pm; AirportBoard EAT: 10:50pm)
  • VLG2613 (Aena EAT: 11:15pm; AirportBoard EAT: 11:05pm)


Do you know if the times provided from Aena were specified as gate (block times in AirportBoards) times or runway times?

Unless the include_ex_data = true parameter is set when making the query AirportBoards will only provide the runway times for departure and arrival. From the consistent 10 minute offset it’s likely that Aena has provided the gate times.


I’m not sure, as it is not indicated in its webpage, although it seems it is gate times.

I have tried to use include_ex_data=true in my query, but it seems it is not included in my current user level (basic). What is the minimum level required to use ex_data?
