Aircraft Repo_ From Air and Space Magazine

We had one of these stories posted about six months ago. This one has a bit more credibility without all the “wild west” sort of theatrics. … 1258#81258 … _repo_man/

Original Thread and article for comparison purposes.

I knew I remembered that series of posts…but I forgot that I started the thread!!!

- YouTube)

I have been repossessing aircraft for 3 years, lots of fun, great flying different airplanes every week, 3 engine failures.
Stress sets in at times. and very rare is a cowboy story. If you have them, you are not doing something right(most of the time)

typical over dramatization of reality TV

…and bad acting! :laughing:

I live Valparaiso (for the past 2.5 years) . The first time I have heard of them was when a local newspaper said that Popovich and the Salon writer were suing each other.

I did ask a co-worker with the same last name if he was related but he said no however his Mom had worked for them ironically enough. I think just office work though. I asked if any of the crazy stories were true, he didnt know though.