How about a topic on each of the aircraft manufacturers? Here’s one for Boeing, along with the first posting.
Source: ATW Daily News
Aviation Partners Boeing reports brisk 767 blended winglet sales
Wednesday September 17, 2008
by Geoffrey Thomas
Aviation Partners Boeing said it expects its 767 winglet program to be a runaway success and this week announced agreements to fit blended winglets on 767-300ERs operated by Air New Zealand and Hawaiian Airlines.
ANZ said it will fit its five 767-300ERs with blended winglets by the end of next year and HA said it will have eight of the type fitted by the end of 2010. APB claims that winglets on 737s and 757s have saved a collective 1.2 billion gal. of fuel and 11.5 million tonnes of CO2 while reducing those types’ noise footprint by 6.5%. It has sold winglets to 140 airlines and 95% of all 737NGs are fitted with them. It is working on four winglet concepts for the 777 and hopes to finalize a design for that aircraft type by December. ANZ is expected to be the launch customer.
ANZ GM-Airline Operations David Morgan told ATWOnline that he expects the airline to save more than NZ$7.5 million ($5 million) in fuel costs and 16,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions annually by fitting blended winglets on its 767-300ERs. The 767 fleet, which operates regional international services, will be fitted progressively from next July. The work will be carried out by ANZ Technical Operations.
The 767-300ER winglets are 3.4 m. high and the program, launched by American Airlines, is expected to gain certification later this year. APB Director-Sales and Marketing Craig McCallum said the 767 winglet program has been the fastest-selling, with 141 shipsets already sold. He forecast fuel savings of 4%-6% for medium/long-range flights, with 500-nm. flights experiencing a 1.5% fuel savings.
ANZ also has committed to fitting its entire fleet of 42 aircraft with CCT Systems’ zonal dryers. The electrically powered dryers reduce moisture trapped in insulation between the aircraft outer skin and cabin lining, lowering aircraft weight. ANZ expects fleetwide savings of 500,000 gal. of fuel annually owing to the dryers, which are standard on the 787 and an option on the A350.
by Geoffrey Thomas