aircraft logo's and tail? any websites to help read logo's

is there anyplace on the web to identify aircraft logo’s and /or their painted tails when one see’s an aircraft and not the name??? i guess you would call it a spotersite. besides going through 1,000’s of photo’s at any help out there?

Not that I know of. Try entering “tail airline aircraft” (without the quotation marks) into Google and see what ou come up with

If you’re in Europe, this Stockholm spotters site: might be of some use.

And not what you’re looking for but worth checking out as well: which is not much help if you don’t know the airline to start with I know.

And lastly, did you know you can go directly to a “tails” section on ? Left-side menu on the front page.


I didn’t know that. Thanks for the tip.

:smiley: try this site

I usually go on and search for the airport I saw the plane at, and what kind of aircraft it was. I usually get an answer that pops up pretty quickly.