Aircraft filing /T

I’ve noticed a lot of Cessna 182s filing /T lately instead of /G. /T is indicated as “No DME, Transponder (No Mode C).” There is no way that these modern 182s don’t have DME or Mode C. Either FlightAware is wrong about what /T means or people with a 182T think that they’re supposed to file C182/T and don’t realize that T is the model suffix and not their equipment type.

Anyone know the scoop?

More than likely it’s the FSS specialist…and I use that term very loosely…is the one making the mistake. It’s not FA…they don’t input the data.

I’ve heard a few guys recently checking in with various controllers stating they’re a “182 Tango slant Golf”. Most likely the controllers don’t know exactly what it means so they just get “close enough” and call it a 182/T. Only if people knew the designation of their plane… :slight_smile:

I can confirm it is a suffix of /T in the data from the FAA.

Around DC, we have to file flight plans for all aircraft movements. Some people were filing /U for the new 172s/182s when they as pilots were not IFR rated, seeing as how they didn’t want to inform the controllers that they were ‘gps routing capable’. I don’t have a reason why they would file /T instead of /U though.

There is a new flight plan filing method for RNAV equipped airplanes seeking to use RNAV SID/STARs. Google it - not many GA airplanes need to use it but you are /G equipped and want to use an RNAV SID - then you need /T to state you are qualified and desirous of using such SIDs/

That is incorrect.

In the new procedures for filing domestic ICAO flight plans the letter T is an equipment suffix denoting TACAN equipped, and is part of the alphabet soup that is entered in Block 10 of the ICAO flight plan. TACAN is for military use and has nothing to do with RNAV/RNP operations.

TACAN Only codes are /M /N and /P.

I departed VFR out of KBED and Boston Center just assigned /T to me and also tracked me. … /KBED/KEEN

The M, N, P, suffixes are correct TACAN codes for standard domestic flight plans. Just as “T” = Transponder (No Mode C)…which Boston probably assigned to you out of simplicity.

Under the new ICAO domestic flight plan system (which is only required for those who wish to use RNAV/RNP procedures) the format is completely different. Guidance for those filers can be found HERE. Information from the AOPA regarding the FAA’s En Route Automation Moderization program can be found HERE.

I wonder if they are Turbocharged 182’s (182T?) and the owners don’t know that ATC doesn’t really care which model 182 you have.

I’m with you on that too John…

The turbocharged 182s are T182s rather than 182Ts – the suffix is the generation. So, a modern turbocharged 182 is a T182S or a T182T.

:confused: I’m curious…where are you getting that from Dan? According to FAA Order 7110.65 Appendix A, the type designator for a Cessna 182 is C182 regardless of whether it is normally aspirated or turbo-charged. And for a modern C182 the equipment suffix (for standard domestic flight plans) of a T is inappropriate as they are at least mode C equipped. If one is filing an ICAO domestic flight plan for a C182 (which really isn’t necessary for the aircraft type operations) a /S suffix entered in Block 10 could be entered if the aircraft is appropriately Mode S equipped.

Az-- I think you’re correct. dbaker is correct about the model numbers but as far as the FAA is concerned with the flight plan its a C182/equipment. --Waz

Right – I was just pointing out the naming system in response to the previous poster’s suggestion.

:blush: …Ahhh, I gotcha… Cessna’s designators of the lineage… :wink:

That has to be it, although the “modern” Turbo 182 didn’t begin until 2001. The S model 182 was normally aspirated only. So '01 to present has been the 182T with the Turbo as an “option”.