After update of dump1090 -> Problem fetching data on web pag

Check if lighttpd is running (“sudo systemctl status lighttpd”)
Check if it is listening correctly on 80 and/or 8080 (“sudo netstat -ntap | grep LISTEN”)
Check if you can retrieve a page locally from the Pi (“wget -S localhost/dump1090-fa/”)

Another question would be what you have in /etc/lighttpd/conf-enabled/. It sounds like ligttpd is finding the default index.html page but not honoring the redirects.

OBJ: these apparently are the only ports. No 80 or 8080. Baffling? Joe K4AA

tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2078/dump1090-fa
-bash: tcp: command not found
pi@piaware ~ $ tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2078/dump1090-fa
-bash: tcp: command not found
pi@piaware ~ $ tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2078/dump1090-fa
-bash: tcp: command not found
pi@piaware ~ $ tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2303/sshd
-bash: tcp: command not found
pi@piaware ~ $ tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2078/dump1090-fa
-bash: tcp: command not found
pi@piaware ~ $ tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2551/fa-mlat-client
pi@piaware ~ $ tcp 0 0* LISTEN 2551/fa-ml

sudo systemctl status lighttpd returns “command systemctl not found”
-bash: tcp: command not found

Sounds like it’s a wheezy install (no systemctl) and lighttpd is not running.
You’ll need to investigate why lighttpd isn’t running.

It is a wheezy install. I upgraded via stats command from 2.0.4 to 2.05 and then 3.1.0. How can I validate that lighttpd is running? Joe K4AA

It works! Thank you!


My dump1090 web server works perfectly from inside my house AND from the internet thanks to a good configuration of my router.

But it does not work from my workplace where we have a proxy (Zscaler). The map and all the web page load then no plane is displayed with the message " Problem fetching data from dump1090."

Why it does not work from behind an http proxy ?


Sounds like it’s not allowing the webinterface to load the aircraft.json properly:

Does it at least initially display some aircraft?

I have no idea how a proxy could be a problem, it’s all just simple http transfers.

Same problem here.
First I installed dump-1090 from raspbian buster.
The web-interface on worked well.
Then I installed other feeders: PiAware, opensky-network, planefinder, flightradar24, etc.
I think that the dump1090 was replaced by the dump1090-fa, or both are installed side by side?
All feeders are working correcly, same for (PiAware / FlightAware) and (planefinder client).
My intention is that the web-interface is searching the plane data in dump1090 instead of dump1090-fa.
In this thread there were some discussions about this (remove dump1090 into init.d as dump1090-fa is now launched) but how is this to do for someone who isn’t very familiar with putty / bash?
How can I remove dump1090 from init.d?
“nano init.d” or “nano /etc/init.d” failed and I don’t want to damage the good working installation.

Port 8080 is dump1090-fa, not piaware.

Don’t confuse dump1090 with feed clients.
It says SkyAware/SkyView, but it’s dump1090-fa.

You just need to remove dump1090-mutability.
Easiest is just to use this script: Automatic installation for dump1090 fa · wiedehopf/adsb-scripts Wiki · GitHub

It will correct the fr24feed settings if they are wrong and fix the lighttpd configuration.

If you want the old dump1090-mutability interface, you can have that with dump1090-fa as well: Bundle install for dump1090fa · wiedehopf/adsb-scripts Wiki · GitHub
Or get the retro-interface on its own, it’s linked there.
The bundle also includes automatic gain adjustment you might not want.

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Fantastic. That’s what I saerched. Easy to install, and its working great!
Thank you very much.

Best regards from Switzerland.

So you were looking for the old interface?
I didn’t quite get from your post what exactly the problem was.

Anyway, this is an improved webinterface you may like: GitHub - wiedehopf/tar1090: Provides an improved webinterface for use with ADS-B decoders readsb / dump1090-fa

[quote=“wiedehopf, post:32, topic:19049”]
So you were looking for the old interface?
I didn’t quite get from your post what exactly the problem was.[/quote]

My problem was that I liked the old interface from dump1090 showing the bigger map and this wasn’t working.
With your script on GitHub - wiedehopf/dump1090-retro-html: Old dump1090 webinterface adapted for dump1090-fa it was fixed again.

[quote=“wiedehopf, post:32, topic:19049”]
Anyway, this is an improved webinterface you may like: GitHub - wiedehopf/tar1090: Provides an improved webinterface for use with ADS-B decoders readsb / dump1090-fa .[/quote]

This one doesn’t work on my system. It shows only the new web-interface but no data and no map.

Did you check under /tar1090 ?

I’m confused that it wouldn’t work.
Did the installation produce any errors?

Does this command show a long list of files or no output?

ls /run/dump1090-fa

When I do
ls /run/dump1090-fa

I get
aircraft.json history_23.json history_38.json history_52.json
history_0.json history_24.json history_39.json history_53.json
history_10.json history_25.json history_3.json history_54.json
history_11.json history_26.json history_40.json history_55.json
history_12.json history_27.json history_41.json history_56.json
history_13.json history_28.json history_42.json history_57.json
history_14.json history_29.json history_43.json history_58.json
history_15.json history_2.json history_44.json history_59.json
history_16.json history_30.json history_45.json history_5.json
history_17.json history_31.json history_46.json history_6.json
history_18.json history_32.json history_47.json history_7.json
history_19.json history_33.json history_48.json history_8.json
history_1.json history_34.json history_49.json history_9.json
history_20.json history_35.json history_4.json receiver.json
history_21.json history_36.json history_50.json stats.json
history_22.json history_37.json history_51.json

So I did
sudo bash -c “$(wget -q -O -”
once again and now its working great.

Perhaps I made a mistake on marking with copy and paste?
Now it works fine.

Not sure what happened.
Anyway glad it’s working, hope you like it.

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And I like your 1090-graphs from

Great work! :+1: