Approximately every ten days, I record 10 or more flights in the 250+ mile range (which is way beyond my normal reception range). Yesterday, Monday, 3/29 was the most recent reception with 13 reported. On one Thursday morning the actual flights could be tracked over Pennsylvania. No identification of the flights was supplied. Does anyone know if there is an extra powerful ADS-B transmitter on some flights? Could these be military flights?
I see flights every day out beyond 250 NM over open water.
It is probably tropospheric ducting or an aircraft flying very high.
You will see Tropo ducting from time to time depending on your location… Here’s my latest plot, 50nm rings. Notice the under 10000 ft. (white) sustained range at 425nm. Those are helicopters out over the Gulf, going to oil platforms. They stay at about 5000 ft. We often see them in the late mornings.
That’s weird, the very-long-range spikes on my plot are similar to yours.
I’m assuming this has something to do with solar angle? I don’t know much about tropospheric ducting. Pretty fascinating though.
All about tropo