Wrong information returned for flight origin/destination


From time to time, for scheduled flights, I receive incomplete or wrong data :weary:in the Origin and Destination (query SearchBirdsInFlight), any idea why this happens?

this happens today Tuesday, 6th Feb 2018… sorry I do not have the faFlightID
ident: “EVA61”
operator: “”
distance: 91274
time: “21:13:26”
latitude: 14.03609
longitude: 99.79128
origin: “L 13.83523 100.08714”
destination: “—”

That would be because you have position-only flights enabled. https://flightaware.com/about/faq#adhoc

Thanks, I changed my settings to avoid that but still another example with empty destination:

“faFlightID”: “EZS93NF-1517897844-ed-0007:6”,
“ident”: “EZS93NF”,
“prefix”: “”,
“type”: “”,
“suffix”: “”,
“origin”: “L 41.29518 2.12872”,
“destination”: “—”,
“timeout”: “0”,
“timestamp”: 1517952716,
“departureTime”: 1517948725,
“firstPositionTime”: 1517948725,
“arrivalTime”: 0,
“longitude”: 6.07531,
“latitude”: 46.21513,
“lowLongitude”: 2.12872,
“lowLatitude”: 41.2842,
“highLongitude”: 6.78245,
“highLatitude”: 46.21513,
“groundspeed”: 0,
“altitude”: 20,
“heading”: 46,
“altitudeStatus”: “-”,
“updateType”: “A”,
“altitudeChange”: “D”,
“waypoints”: “”