Would I be able to submit a new phot of our airport to be used in Flightaware airport info?
Where do you see an airport photo on FlightAware?
When I go into my airport KOOA and then into the map and diagram tab is has a satellite phot that is ouf of date. Wondering if there’s a way to replace with an updated photo.
Those images are automatically updated by Google.
Maybe there should be a photo of the airport like airnav has. Only the flightaware photo or photos will be better and can be enlarged. My idea is to do this with your current photo feature but only allow photos of the airport and relative structures like the FBO, control tower, passenger terminal, GA ramp, etc… but NOT every picture of every plane taken at that airport. This way there would be photos of an airport submitted from various angles shot from the air and the ground.
Also, I’d like to suggest a way to see a users submitted photos, linked to their user profile.