Sudden loss of RSSI - FlightAware Prostick Plus Fault?

Well RG213 is certainly good fairly low loss cable and you seem to be paying good attention to proper practice with soldering and all. I use the RG213 for most all of my amateur radio connectivity and have great success with it. I spent some painful $$$ on a antenna/cable analyzer some years ago and have never regretted it. It is such a great tool for checking every cable you make. I put a 50 ohm dummy load on it to start so I know it’s reading true and then on goes the antenna or a stand alone antenna. Tomv has the hot and cold expansion and contraction zeroed in. I would use that as a definite clue for troubleshooting your issue. Connection coming and going with temp.

Got to the Github and found the “graphs 1090” but the install appears to be Unix or Linux based and I have been removed from that environment for so long [1990’s] that I don’t know that I know where to begin to execute that install. It may be the old dogs and new tricks thing.

I just installed a couple days ago. I believe you said you’re running on the pi zero. ssh into it as you otherwise do, and run the

sudo bash -c “$(curl -L -o -”

line off the github page under “Installation / Update to current version”.

Yes running the PI zero with 8.2 sw. I will give that a go when I return to my home site location for access. I certainly appreciate your reply. I am new here and it appears there are a lot of friendly/helpful members onboard.

It’s actually quite simple.
SSH into your raspberry pi and execute the command below from the commandprompt.
sudo bash -c “$(curl -L -o -”
That will start the install from your raspberry pi and will install all dependencies as well.
It’s an installscript so all actions are automated. When done it will tell you where to find the graphs1090 webpage (on your pi) and then you can navigate from a browser to that page. After 10 minutes it will start populating with data. It is all explained in the readme at the bottom of the page :wink:

Thank you Mr Tomv. New tricks for the old dog.

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Thanks Tom, I am definitely thinking along your lines with the influence of low-temp on the issue. The antenna is (presumably) still under warranty given it’s <1 year old. So if I can confirm it’s the culprit, I’ll go back to Pimoroni to see if they will help me out. The package looks pretty tightly buttoned-up, so I’m somewhat reticent to crack it open at this point.

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Thanks Craig, I’m really temped to get a NanoVNA-F (a good friend, also a Ham, highly recommended this unit to me a year or so ago). But until now, I’ve not really felt the cost justified (I don’t have any TX equipment and apart from AIS and ADS-B, don’t really have any other RF setups at present). However this latest development may just be enough for me to consider getting my hands on one. It’s a shame I don’t know anyone with one locally, as it’s the sort of thing I’ll likely use only once in a blue moon.

Anyway, thanks again for your thoughts!

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