Installed this on a new device yesterday and had to trouble shoot a few issues that I had.
Here is my updated howto… Please shout if I have advices incorrect and/or something doesn’t work for you.
Step 1:
If not already running, install timelapse1090. More info: GitHub - wiedehopf/timelapse1090: timelapse web interface for dump1090-fa (using the map interface from dump1090-fa as base)
sudo bash -c "$(wget -q -O -"
(not sure this is needed but when I ran the script I had a few issues with it not picking up data from timelapse. EDIT: I had to start timelapse but no other issues now.
sudo systemctl start timelapse1090
sudo systemctl status timelapse1090
(One of the errors was “folder not found” either when starting timelapse1090 or further down when running, I just created that folder, “/run/timelapse1090”) EDIT: On a clean run on a new device I did not get this error.
Download the script:
Step 3:
Make sure you have a “heywhatsthat” ID to hand for you location.
Then edit before you run it or polar.conf if you have run the script once already.
Step 4:
Install the required software:
sudo apt install gawk
sudo apt install liblua5.3
sudo apt install gnuplot-data
sudo apt install gnuplot-nox
sudo apt install jq
Step 5:
Now run:
bash -1
Once complete, they should be at /skyaware/plots/
(timelapse1090 by default collects data per day and then resets. So it is best to run this script say 15 minutes before midnight each night, to display max amount of positions.
For the monthplot I did:
Step 1:
sudo apt install python3-seaborn
Step 2:
Step 3:
Give permission to write to /usr/share/skyaware/html/plots/ (google this one)
Step 4:
Once complete, they should be at /skyaware/plots/heatmaps.html
Add to crontab to run automagically.
Step 1:
crontab -e
Step 2:
(add the lines at the end and of course test it works first with a more suitable time)
44 23 * * * bash /home/pi/ -1
05 00 * * * python3