Hello everyone.
This is second day on the site and my first post, ever. I’m 34 years old, an electrical engineer, and I have really begun to take a serious interest in aviation, lately, and am hoping to begin private flight training within the next year or so.
My question concerns ownership of an aircraft. Have no fear – my aspirations towards aircraft ownership are years down the road, but I’d like to begin planning for it now. How many years down the road depends on the answer to my question.
Living in the South, where the cost of living is fairly comfortable, what would some of you say that the minimum yearly income of someone need to be in order to comfortably own and maintain a Cessna 172?
I know that there are a multitude of financial factors that must be considered, but let’s assume that the potential owner is extremely responsible, lives well within his means, and has a mild debt load (i.e., mortgage and possibly a vehicle payment – no consumer debt).
Are we talking 6-figures? Possibly high 5-figures? I would just like a ballpark figure that will give me something to aim for.
I appreciate any help you could provide.