Runway Incursion


September 27, 2012

Runway incursion prevention is possible using combination of procedures and technology already in use or available off the shelf.

Incursion problems have in common lack of situation awareness on the part of one or more of the participants. This common thread is communication failure.

The solutions are communication solutions.

	single transmit frequencies allowed blocked transmissions.
	separate transmit frequencies
	use repeaters for ground control
		use multiple input freq 
		all listen to repeater output
		use digital voice mode
		each transmitter identifies with unique digital code
		all double transmission are recognized and resolved by delayed read back or 				repeat request
		 pilots are lost:
		location technology already in use
		hold point traffic signals
		wheel/throttle locks enabled by runway transponder
		runway occupied warning
		controllers do not know where the planes are
		location technology already in use
		hold point traffic signals
		naval carrier flight boss/ launch officer command duality in IMC
		wheel/throttle locks enabled by transponder
		runway occupied warning

All of these things have already been thought of. Many of them are in use other situations. What I find it useful is to mention them all together. None of these solutions require great expense or cumbersome organization. Off the shelf technology could put any of the plans into effect by a team of techno geeks in 72 hrs using stuff from Radio Shack.