Does FA do some sort of quality checking on the data when assembling the flight logs? I’d expect simple checks could get rid of anomalies like this:
22:33 30.9235 -96.0875 286° West 384 442 32,000 Level FlightAware ADS-B (KCXO)
22:34 30.9384 -96.1475 287° West 386 444 32,000 Level FlightAware ADS-B (KCXO)
22:34 30.9338 -96.1289 106° East 247 284 32,000 120 Level FlightAware ADS-B (KDAL)
22:34 30.9492 -96.1911 286° West 385 443 32,100 120 Climbing FlightAware ADS-B (KTRL)
22:34 30.9644 -96.2527 286° West 386 444 32,100 -180 Level FlightAware ADS-B (KHOU)
This is for the following track, by the way: … /KFLL/KLAX
… in progress as I type.