Piaware is NOT connected to FlightAware Site 2827

Did a piaware-status and everything is OK except connection. Was OK until 0710Z this morning and several restarts have not made any difference.

sudo journalctl -u piaware | grep -v ‘reported location|–lat|feeder ID’

Jan 21 12:07:00 piaware piaware[1426]: Connecting to FlightAware adept server at
Jan 21 12:07:15 piaware piaware[1426]: Connection attempt with adept server at timed out
Jan 21 12:07:15 piaware piaware[1426]: reconnecting in 64 seconds…
Jan 21 12:07:24 piaware piaware[1426]: 22729 msgs recv’d from dump1090-fa (370 in last 5m); 0 msgs sent to FlightAware
Jan 21 12:08:19 piaware piaware[1426]: Connecting to FlightAware adept server at piaware.flightaware.com/1200
Jan 21 12:08:39 piaware piaware[1426]: Connection to adept server at piaware.flightaware.com/1200 failed: couldn’t open socket: Name or service not known
Jan 21 12:08:39 piaware piaware[1426]: reconnecting in 6 seconds…
Jan 21 12:08:45 piaware piaware[1426]: Connecting to FlightAware adept server at piaware.flightaware.com/1200
Jan 21 12:09:05 piaware piaware[1426]: Connection to adept server at piaware.flightaware.com/1200 failed: couldn’t open socket: Name or service not known

Well, your network is broken - DNS isn’t working and piaware can’t connect directly by IP either.

I have other sites on the same network which are working.

Doesn’t change the broken-ness of the network on your piaware install. I can’t tell you anything much from that log beyond “it can’t talk to the outside world”. Can you ping anything outside your local network from the Pi? (I suspect not)

Thanks obj I will check out the network further.

Changed to different router port and it is working again.