How to adjust gain on piaware v 9.0.1

I recently installed graphs1090 and I want to see how adjusting my gain might affect my number of messages and planes tracked. When I try to follow the instructions here for the Debian Package add-on of flight aware (I’m running Raspbian 11 bullseye):

I don’t see RECEIVER_OPTIONS, but instead see a file that says “this is sourced by /usr/share/dump1090-fa/start-dump1090-fa as a shellscript fragment”, followed by options for setting ADAPTIVE_DYNAMIC_RANGE, ADAPTIVE_MIN_GAIN, ADAPTIVE_MAX_GAIN, etc.

Could anyone please provide me with some guidance on the best way to do this?

You are following a several years old guide (pre version 6). There have been some changes since then.

(1) Please issue following command to open config file:

sudo nano /etc/default/dump1090-fa

(2) Slowly scroll down the file, till you see following code:

# Initial receiver gain, in dB. If adaptive gain is enabled (see below) the actual gain
# may change over time

# Adjust gain to try to achieve optimal dynamic range / noise floor?
# Target dynamic range in dB (leave blank to autoselect based on SDR type)
# Reduce gain when loud message bursts from nearby aircraft are seen?
# Gain range to allow when changing gain, in dB (empty = no limit)

(3) To adjust gain to your desired value, replace 60 by your desired value of gain (for example 42) in following line:


(4) Also change yes to no in following line:


(5) Save file, then restart dump1090-fa to implement the changes you have made as above:

sudo systemctl restart dump1090-fa


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Thank you so much, that worked!