Changing the root filesystem partition from ext4 to f2fs (developed specifically for SD cards to address wear issues) is another alternative (see RaspberryPi, SD cards wear, and f2fs filesytem experience and other places). Not for the faint of heart to change over, though.
Logging to RAM is another option (log2ram keyword search), mentioned by abcd567.
Or just let 'er rip as-is and replace it when it dies (maybe tomorrow, maybe years from now). This is an appliance, in my opinion.
In general, it appears to me like the Pi computers are used in a variety of environments, many harsh, and seem to survive for a long time. It is unreasonable to expect a Raspberry Pi to perform the same as aircraft black box recorders. Each of us has our own risk tolerance levels, and utlimately it is up to us to balance the installation wants of “cheap, reliable, quick” with what we actually deploy, I believe.