Flights not returned for the correct dates


We are using your AeroAPI and we are finding some inconsistencies in the Flight Details returned when queried using AirlineFlightSchedules call.

Flight No: BA284

On the British Airways website, the flight is scheduled for the 17th Feb 2021 and 19th Feb 2021; however, when we query using AirlineFlightSchedules for BA284 we are not getting any results back for the 17th or the 19th. However, we are able to fetch details for the 18th and 20th Feb using API.

Could you please let us know if this wrong information stored in your database or some issue with the API call?

Please see the API request details below:

Any help is highly appreciated.

Many Thanks

This matches with the most recent schedule information provided, where the flight is indicated to operate only on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays.This it usually an indication that the schedule has been changed by the carrier, but an update has not been made available yet for us.