Hello Group,
searching the web i’ ve found a website selling Ads-b filters to use in reception.Are these filters helpfull?
Is there anyone useing these filters?
Thank in adavnce,
Short answer yes, to what degree depends on what you have around you generating noise on frequencies close by. If you search for filter in the forums you will find hundreds of pages of discussions about filters and amps. For quick reference I’d direct you to ads-b-flight-tracking-f21/glad-i-hooked-up-a-filter-t28520.html?hilit=filter
Also to take it a step further you very well might benefit from an amp/filter combo such as this ava.upuaut.net/store/index.php?r … duct_id=85 I run this on all my antenna. I have tried many things, satellite amps, diplexers for filters, etc but you just can’t beat these.
I run the same HABamp/filter…it made a huge difference.
I’ll agree with the last two posters and add that it does help to improve range in my case. But remember everyone situation is different to the degree that other signals are affecting your set-up. So the old adage “your mileage may differ” still holds true.
The HABamp with the SAW filter is pretty close to the product I’d build – I use a similar LNA followed by the SAW filter, but I have a high-pass filter in front of the LNA (MiniCircuits SHP-1000).
Is there a filter AMP/Filter like this available in Amazon or similar??
I live in South America and it’s easier for me to buy thing in stores in the US…
Not really, you can try a Satellite DBS amp they work well and a diplexer as a filter but for the best option it’s ue the link above. BTW thats not from the US either