This is just my easy access test area, mainly for software.
It is under a thatched roof (about 1m of damp straw, so not good for any sort of range).
I have access to a much better setup, but this requires good weather.
I will have to bite the bullet and lower the mast.
This will especially help under that roof because it can better pick out weak signals.
For really good reception you’ll still need to put the antenna on the mast but it’s a start.
With cavity filter between antenna and LNA.
Not as good as I hoped for.
Looks like a comb of spurious products, I’ll turn the gain down from 30 to 10dB
I wonder if the combs are from the LNA or the dongle.
Should be from the LNA, the dongle shouldn’t do this especially not with a gain of 10.
Maybe it’s a lower frequency with so much power that the cavity filter doesn’t attenuate it enough.
You could do an extended scan 100 MHz to 800 MHz.
If the combs wouldn’t continue through 1090 MHz they wouldn’t interfere with reception.
Might still be weak enough to not make a dent in reception.
How is your reception anyway?
Setup: RTL-SDR dongle V3, RTL LNA filter, gain set at 29.7
I’m having about 1000msg/sec,with 113aircraft and 97 with positions
Please check my results: