What antenna are you going to use it with?
Could attach it directly to the PCB antena
What antenna are you going to use it with?
Could attach it directly to the PCB antena
If you are using such high quality parts, do yourself a favor and get one of the external LNAs.
So get the rtl-sdr LNA (needs a bias-t to power it via the coax)
Or just get the uputronics LNA, which is a bit easier to install, but more expensive and arguably a little less good also not by much.
(1090MHz ADS-B Filtered Preamp)
As a stick i’d recommend either the rtl-sdr v3 (Buy RTL-SDR Dongles (RTL2832U)) or if you want to go more expensive the Airspy Mini.
That simplicity has its price, the saw version costs around 56 Euros (including postage of 12.50€) to the continent bought directly from their store.
I guess it’s cheaper to get the rtl-sdr LNA and their rtl-sdr v3.
Enabling the bias-t isn’t too hard.
Yes, the PCB antenna or the optimized mag-mount
I have a $3 biast sitting unused for sometime (left one in the picture below). I was unhappy on this waste, so I purchsed this LNA to utilize the biast.
Please no, don’t waste it like that
If you have a 5 to 10 Ohm resistor lying around, i would recommend that.
At 3.3 V to 4 V the LNA runs a lot cooler.
What about the dongle?
Been using the eBay power inserter for some time on my main station. Very happy with it.
The exact same one I use. I soldered a barrel jack to the GND and DC pads. Using a discarded consumer electronics of the right voltage, current, and polarity is a piece of cake.
Can i power this rtl sdr LNA filter straight from the raspberry pi 5V pins?
I just did some research to activate bias t but it looks a bit to complicated for me.
I do. I’ve soldered a power cable on the base of the GPIO 5V rail which goes to the bias-tee injector. It works perfectly.
So i need to connect them to pin 2 & 6?
How do i need to connect them on the filter?
That’s not how I’m doing it, sorry. I’m taking power from those pins and feeding it to a bias-tee injector which then powers the RTL-SDR LNA (with combined filter). I’m not going straight to the LNA.
A straightforward filter doesn’t need power. The two FA filters (light and dark blue) are passive devices, they just sit in the feedline and attenuate nearby signals.
Don’t do that.
Activating the internal bias-t when you have an rtl-sdr v3 isn’t that complicated.
I suppose i could even write a script for that.
If you want to power the LNA via the GPIO pins or another source of 5V it’s best to order a bias-t as well.
I’m using this bias-t:
I did order a rtl-sdr v3 a couple days ago, so it would be better if run it trough the dongle?
But i cant find a guide step by step to activate bias t.
Use this guide:
Getting the V3 Bias Tee to Activate on PiAware ADS-B Images
But add some stuff to the cmake command in the code block, like this:
cd ~
git clone https://github.com/rtlsdrblog/rtl_biast
cd rtl_biast
mkdir build
cd build
Is this just copy-paste in pi terminal?
Is this also working on Dump1090-Mutability1.15 ?
Sorry for all the stupid questions
The part i posted is just to build the rtl_biast binary.
It’s copy and paste.
After that you only need to execute the binary on startup or when dump1090 is started.
That part is explained in the link i gave you and won’t work for mutability.
I’d recommend switching to dump1090-fa anyway, it’s kept current, mutability is not.
If you like the old map, you can use this:
Bundle install for dump1090fa · wiedehopf/adsb-wiki Wiki · GitHub
It will remove mutability, install dump1090-fa and give you both map options.