Do I Need A Filter?


DVB-T plugged into Windows Computer

Important: If you want to plug in your DVB-T Dongle into Windows Computer, you should install its driver Zadig from

STEP 1 of 7:

Create a new folder of a name of your choice and at a location of your choice. For this guide, I will use new folder name “RF Scan”, location inside “Download” Folder.

STEP 2 of 7:

Download from here:
Download Link:

Web Page:

(Scroll down to bottom of page to find download link)

STEP 3 of 7:

Un-zip It will create a folder RelWithDebInfo and inside this folder another folder rtl-sdr-release which contains several files and 2 folders named x32 and x64 .

Open folder x32

rtl scan win-2A

Copy following 3 files of folder x32 into newly created folder RF Scan.
(1) libusb-1.0.dll
(2) rtl_power.exe
(3) rtlsdr.dll

STEP 4 of 7:

Download rtlplan.exe from the site given below, and save it inside the folder RF Scan

STEP 5 of 7:

Double-click rtplan.exe] to start the software.

STEP 6 of 7:

In the rtlplan window, make settings as follows (see screenshot below)
start freq: 800Mhz (800000000)
end freq: 1200Mhz (1200000000)
step: 100kHz
Gain: 49.6

STEP 7 of 7:

Press “START” Button. The scan will start and the scan image will start building gradually. Wait for about 15 to 30 minutes for scan image to build to sufficient height. Click “STOP” button to stop the scan. In addition to scan image, a file scan.csv will be generated inside folder “RF Scan”