Connecting Flightaware prostick to Kinetic Basestation

Hi, I have just got myself a Flightaware Pro Stick and am trying to use it instread of my Kinetic Puck, is there any special software I need for this please? I have downloaded the RTL driver but nothing happens.

I understand your BaseStation Software is installed on Windows PC.

(1) Install on Windows PC, the driver software for the Prostick, called Zadig (Click Here to go to download page)


(2) Download on Windows PC a decoder which can produce Basestation puck format data on port 10001 using the Prostick. This software is called ModeSDeco2 (Click Here to Download


(3) Unzip the downloaded file You will see following files inside the unzipped folder




(4) Double click the file RUN.bat. You will get warning to not run it. Click on “More info”



(5) Another popup will appear. Click on button “Run anyway”



(6) Another popup will appear asking permission to allow access. Place check mark on “Private Networks such as home & office”, and Click “Allow access”




(7) Windows command window will open showing that SBS10001 Server on port 10001 is started



(8) Now start your BaseStation Windows software, and set it to

Settings >> Hardware Settings >> Network Tab >> Address = Port = 10001 >> OK










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ModeSDeco2 Charts, Map, & Flight Table

In web Browser, go to localhost:8686 OR and click the appropriate item on menu bar.